An interesting juxtaposition at the local library :P
An interesting juxtaposition at the local library :P
Aaaand now it's updated. Deleted the node and made the way/area the library.
Also ended up updating some wikidata entries as well:
It's Texture Tuesday!
A detail of one of Cliff Garten's Avenue of Light (2009) stainless steel sculptures in downtown Fort Worth, TX.
#FortWorth #Texas #Architecture #Art #Photography #Monochrome #BlackAndWhite #Detail #Texture #FORAPhotography #TextureTuesday
This is just one of the hundreds of images available for purchase at:
TLDR: Antivaxxers are misinformed, defensive & contagious.
#TX school celebrates -> 14% <- #vaxx rate, not far from a #measles outbreak. The school PASTOR identifies/brags the school name and location. Then blames someone ELSE for that.
@skyfaller Address data is very resource-intensive to acquire, even when locales have "good" parcel GIS data. I'm debating writing an app to take Tarrant County parcel GIS data and overlay it onto OSM for getting areas and nodes to have *some* kind of address data on them. But so far, it's just an idea in my head. I actually *don't* want to "automate away" this problem; I *want* human beings being the authority on whether any particular proposed address is likely correct or not. #gis #osm #OpenStreetMap #FortWorth #dfw
Does Fort Worth need an urban rail line? Here’s what a study found
Vehicle traffic over the next 20 years is only going to get worse, so the city should look at alternate ways to move people around.
The average construction cost per mile for a streetcar system is roughly $40 million, according to the city report.
It could also take roughly seven to 10 years to plan, design, and build an urban rail system.
Fort Worth proposes urban rail system emanating from downtown | Fort Worth Report
Does #FediverseHouse sound interesting? At least a little bit. The "A Better Web Is Possible" talk by Molly ( @molly0xfff ) sounds interesting at least, though it's a shame that only fifteen minutes appear to be allocated to it. Kit O'Connell ( @oconnell ) is part of a talk titled "Publishers: Audience and Autonomy" that also sounds interesting. On the other hand, you've got folks from Threads and Bluesky acting as a bright blinking "CAUTION" sign.
Do I live close enough to Austin to be there in-person? I suppose. It's a three to four hour drive from Fort Worth.
On the other hand, it all feels very, very corporate. Very bourgy, networky, startupy. And all in the worst ways. Corporations hawking their walled gardens^W^W bespoke, artisanal feeds with only the best free-range, organic advertisements sprinkled in (sparingly, of course). The general strategy seems to be "see all of the fediverse through our app," a blatant and bold Embrace, Extend, and Extinguish play if ever there were one, only this time, sold as an act of "unifying" the oPeN SOciAl WeB.
Maybe I'll be there. Maybe I won't.
#Catholic Charities #FortWorth sues federal government to unlock $36M in paused refugee funds #Texas #Immigration
@TheDialecticalCommunist I was there for the Dallas stop :D Solid speeches that lay out, in straightforward terms, the roots of our problems, how to resolve them, and the importance of an organization for actually doing the work.
Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth Names Halona Norton-Westbrook Next Director…
Halona Norton-Westbrook, the current director and CEO of the Honolulu Museum of Art, will be the next director Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth.
“There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in” - L Cohen.
Some cracks are better than others.
Belated HB to Louis Kahn (2/20/1901)
#leonardcohen #louiskahn #kimballartmuseum #fortworth #texas #light #architecture #poetry
This Texan mask ban is proposed not enacted - that link from @broadwaybabyto has to resources to block it. Do you know any Texans? They might want to know about this.
Caravan of Dreams was a 1st class music venue that justified a drive from Dallas. Glad to see that location is returning to live music. "The Spotlight" becomes a worthy successor.
New venue to occupy former Caravan of Dreams, Reata location in Sundance Square
The space that formerly housed Reata, Four Day Weekend & Melt Ice Cream will now house a live music venue
Kelsea Ballerini shares a heartwarming moment with fan #career #Credit #Entertainment #FortWorth #KellyClarkson #KelseaBallerini #music #texas #TheVoice #tour
A Few Local Restaurants Offering Thanksgiving Meal Options #cuisine #food #FoodAndDrink #FortWorth #FWTXStaff #holidays #menu #Roundups #thanksgiving #ThanksgivingAppetizes #ThanksgivingDesserts #ThanksgivingFood #ThanksgivingRecipes #ThanksgivingSides #TopStory
KERA 90.1 FM and all of its sister stations are off air due to a technical issue.
Friday, February 7th was the last day that KERA broadcasted from its long time studio on Harry Hines Blvd. While its new studio is built along the Katy Trail in Uptown, KERA will be broadcasting from the Fair Park studios of WRR Classical.
Today's outage is likely related to that temporary move.
@ElizabethLeeCo Is the issue with the navigation due to poor surveying coverage, awkward app design, something else, or some combination? I've been experimenting with #OsmAnd+ here in #FortWorth and it has been usable at least, though lane guidance is definitely hit-and-miss. #osm
#ExtremeColdWarning extends deep into #Texas including #Dallas and #FortWorth areas. Too bad Texas has a goofy electrical system that screws consumers. #TXwx
To read the weather watch and warning details from NOAA - including timing - open the map, click colored area, follow the link. Since the spot you clicked might have more than one type of watch/warning, scroll down in the popup since each type of watch or warning has its own link for the details. #WindChill
Open #GISsurfer map:,-97.734718&zoom=4&basemap=ESRI_National_Geographic&overlay=State_boundary,Weather_watch_warning&data=