A Quick Way To Evaluate Software Frameworks
One of the most impressive bits of #software I’ve used is #Python. When I started to learn Python, it was version 1.5, a long time ago. I was immediately impressed with the tutorial. It was the first port of call. Here it is now:
Read the tutorial basics and you could start exploring the language library
knowing you could master enough to move to more advanced concepts. Want to do something more complicated? Say build a web server?
First you might try the #HOWTO pages trying #sockets:
After reading about the limitations you might try the #PEPS (Python Enhancement Proposal) What is a PEP? Try reading this page:
Finally you might decide #WSGI is what you want and read the specification at
<https://peps.python.org/pep-0333/>. I travelled this path in 2007/8 to build a version of my blog engine. 
So I go the latest build on #Deno, install it and try a simple blog engine to see how it works
The example code fails, the source code fails. I see the basic documentation for it (yet to try, but skimming through, it appears okay.) The tutorial only a couple of years old has rusted, the source is unmaintained. The issue is with JS / #React / #Preact where plain old #HTML5 and #CSS will do. 
A quick example how the basics have to documented, correct in bite sized pieces. The #HOWTOS maintained and blog #examples periodically revised.