Und der Mond sprach: Er werde Nacht. Und es ward Nacht.
Und der Mond sprach: Er werde Nacht. Und es ward Nacht.
Are Space and Time Created by Quantum Error Correction?
#Physics #QuantumMechcanics
#QuantumFieldTheory #BlackHoles #Blackhole
#SpaceTime #Nonlocality
"This work connects the dots among the great pillars of twentieth century #physics #thermodynamics, #relativity, and #quantummechanics—for a major paradigm shift…implications of quantum information processing in wetware at ambient temperatures," said Kurian.
"Physicists and cosmologists should wrestle with these findings, especially as they consider the origins of life on Earth and elsewhere in the habitable universe, evolving in concert with the electromagnetic field."
Understanding Static Electricity: Causes Examples and Prevention
Static electricity causes sparks when you take off a sweater and lightning in thunderstorms. Learn how electron transfer creates this fascinating phenomenon. #StaticElectricity #Electricity #Physics #Science #Electrostatics #Thunderstorms
Yun Tianming'in "He'ershingenmosiken Sabunlu Tekne" metaforu sayesinde "Uzayı Bükerek Işık Hızına Ulaşan Füzyon Motoru" fikrini çözmüşlerdi!
Yun Tianming'in "He'ershingenmosiken Sabunlu Tekne" metaforu sayesinde "Uzayı Bükerek Işık Hızına Ulaşan Füzyon Motoru" fikrini çözmüşlerdi!
Fakat ateşlendiği yerdeki uzayda kalıcı bükülme izi bıraktığı keşfedilince yasaklandığı için başka kimse kaçıp kurtulamadı!
"Dünyanın Geçmişi (地球往事)" serisinin üçüncü kitabı olan "Ölümün Sonu (死神永生)"nda (İlk Kitap "Üç Cisim Problemi")
Yun Tianming, Peri Masallarında Dünya'nın (ve güneş sisteminin) uzaylı saldırısından nasıl kurtulacağını şifreli olarak anlatmıştı.
Ceheng Xin ve AA, Güneş Sistemimiz ile birlikte 2. Boyuta düşüp ölmekten bu sayede kurtulmuşlardı.
..devamı yanıtta..
#3BodyProblem #The3BodyProblem #三体 #physics
Warp Motorlarına İlk Adım:
Physicist revisits the computational limits of life and Schrödinger's essential question in the era of quantum computing
> More than 80 years ago, Erwin Schrödinger, a theoretical physicist steeped in the philosophy of Schopenhauer and the Upanishads, delivered a series of public lectures at Trinity College, Dublin, which eventually came to be published in 1944 under the title "What is Life?"
Just look at all that science going on! Would anyone like to name any of the phenomena on show here? #SCIENCE #physics #dryIce #slomo #slowMotion
https://www.alojapan.com/1229962/snow-seen-on-mount-fuji-after-record-absence/ Snow seen on Mount Fuji after record absence #Materials #MountFuji #MountFujiNews #MountFuji #Nanotech #news #Physics #PhysicsNews #science #ScienceNews #technology #TechnologyNews #富士山 Global warming is one factor that has led to the slow snow cover on Mount Fuji. Snow has finally fallen on Mount Fuji, images showed Wednesday, after warm weather led to the Japanese mountain’s longest-ever stint with bare slopes. The volcano’s famous snowcap…
#DocMadhattan: The Abel Prize 2025: Masaki Kashiwara
Masaki Kashiwara wins the 2025 Abel Prize for groundbreaking work in algebraic analysis, D-modules theory, and crystal bases in representation theory
New #openaccess publication #SciPost #Physics Core
Scaling laws in jet classification
Joshua Batson, Yonatan Kahn
SciPost Phys. Core 8, 034 (2025)
New #openaccess publication #SciPost #Physics
Neural quantum state study of fracton models
Marc Machaczek, Lode Pollet, Ke Liu
SciPost Phys. 18, 112 (2025)
Great debate, including a discussion on fine tuning in #physics
#philosophy #theism #atheism
RE: https://bsky.app/profile/did:plc:vv6sohk4v63c427ksoatmbaf/post/3llgm6ofuis2h
What does it mean to live in a quantum universe?
Most of us don't think of quantum physics as playing a role in our macroscopic, everyday world.
But look closer, and you'll see that so much absolutely relies on it.
#space #astro #physics #science #quantum
Ask Ethan: What does it mean t...
Today on my blog ... this month's collection of links to items you may have missed ...
Ever imagine volanic ash being used in nuclear shielding? Well, its one step closer in reality, thanks to ground breaking research.
| https://authormulhall.com/breakthrough-nuclear-shielding-moves-from-scifi-to-reality
My forthcoming sci-fi web serial, Hindsight Station, has many cool innovations to dig James Fong and his team out of nuclear holocaust. Maybe James Fong's secret base uses compressed volcanic ash in a future solution to dissapate nuclear fallout?