"i Cirdh Daeron", Sindarin proper-name: "*the Runes of Daeron"
- "NM/164": "i Cirdh Daeron"
"i Cirdh Daeron", Sindarin proper-name: "*the Runes of Daeron"
- "NM/164": "i Cirdh Daeron"
Fantasy Knight Costume Made By @Twinsofdestruction EXCELSIOR! :) #fantasy #fantasybooks #fantasyart #Book #hopecore #Fantasycore #Adventurecore #escapism #medievalfantasy #medieval #medievalart #rpg #dnd #dungeonsanddragons #lotr #narnia #wizard #magic #characterdesign #cosplay #photography #aesthetic #LARP #SCA #HEMA #Lotrtok #LOTR #tolkien #lotr #lordoftherings
Con la experta guía de Nur Ferrante, se exploró la obra poética de J.R.R. #Tolkien y se puso a prueba la capacidad de creativa de quienes asistieron con el desarrollo de sus propias composiciones.
"Tegilbor", Sindarin masc-name: "*Pen-fist"
Elements: "tegil", "paur"
- "PM/318": "Tegilbor"
- "VT47/08": "Tegilbor"
Hurriedly finished a draft of my Westmoot talk, "Reflections on Middle-earth from a Middle American," and performed it for my daughter Ludi today.
She is not a huge Tolkien fan, but gave me high marks and said she didn't get bored.
Also, it wasn't as long as I feared it would be after my most recent additions. So I'm hopeful it will go well.
« Hobbits », 1975
by Frank Frazetta (american, 1928-2010)
Original artwork for the "Lord of The Rings portfolio", plate 1.
As Theoden king said at the grave of his son:
"Alas that these evil days should be mine"
I think a lot of us are feeling that about our times now.
Costume Made By @Twinsofdestruction EXCELSIOR! :) #fantasy #fantasybooks #fantasyart #Book #hopecore #Fantasycore #Adventurecore #escapism #medievalfantasy #medieval #medievalart #rpg #dnd #dungeonsanddragons #lotr #narnia #wizard #magic #characterdesign #cosplay #photography #aesthetic #LARP #SCA #HEMA #LOTR #tolkien #lotr #lordoftherings #middleearth #jrrtolkien #thehobbit #hobbit #thelordoftherings #gandalf #fantasy #silmarillion #legolas #aragorn #tolkienart #frodo #sauron #LARP
I must have read The Lord of the Rings a thousand times, and I just now noticed : the hobbits call the town hall "The Town Hole"
#lordoftherings #lotr #tolkien
"menel", Sindarin n: "the heavens, firmament, region of the stars"
- "LB/354": "menel"
- "LotR/0238": "menel"
- "LotR/0729": "menel"
- "MR/387": "menel" ("the heavens")
- "PE17/024": "menel" ("the heavens")
- "RGEO/63": "menel" ("heaven on high")
- "RGEO/64": "menel" ("firmament")
- "VT44/23": "Menel" ("*Heaven")
Wanna guess where i got this idea?
It's charcoal drawing on a2 paper.
Can you find hobbit?
Hello Mastodon! Here's a first project: a series of illustrations for #Tolkien et les sciences, published by Belin
Classification of dragons, phylogenetic tree of humanoid species in Middle-earth, comparative anatomy of elephants and oliphants... In short, scientific illustrations like no other!
See my portfolio: www.dianerottner.com/tolkien-et-les-sciences
J-10 avant la sortie de ce nouveau set ! Allez-vous craquer ?
Toutes les infos : https://www.lego.com/fr-fr/product/the-lord-of-the-rings-the-shire-10354
#LegoLordoftherings #Lordoftherings #Tolkien
« Gandalf and Bilbo », 1988
by Iain McCaig (american, born 1957)
Pero Húrin Thalion no pudo permanecer por más tiempo silencioso;
"¡Oh, Rey maldito!", gritó con firmeza, "no eleves tanto tus esperanzas, Bauglir; yo no soy instrumento de tus viles traiciones pues pacto y promesa nunca has respetado, busca traidores en otra parte."
Entonces Morgoth asombrado le devolvió la respuesta, ocultando sus intenciones.
"No, la locura te domina, tu mente se ha extraviado, mis incontables tesoros son altos como las montañas y en lugares secretos guardan apilados y sin contar, no abiertos durante épocas; plata élfica y oro en la penumbra pálidamente brillan; las gemas y las joyas, otrora guardadas con celo en las mansiones de los Dioses, que aún lamentan su pérdida, son mías, y una recompensa te daré, riquezas con las que saciar al Gusano de la Codicia."
Segunda versión de Los Hijos de Húrin.
Las Baladas de Beleriand.
Editorial Minotauro.
¡Buenos días queridos Mastodoncios y Mastodoncias!
"ainas", Quenya n: "hallow, fane"
- "PE17/149": "ainas" ("a hallow, a fane")