Defense of Freedom of Conscience and Freedom from Religion. A "Sabbath Weekend Sermon" from this Atheist. Titled, "Secularism and Neutrality"
The following was referenced in the final film at the bottom of the post, and gets to the very heart of the matter, regarding Martin Luther v. The Catholic Pope and Indulgences:
@JustRosy The Ori do not require blind faith. They have massive space ships with big space guns. Pew Pew.
@tacnextgen @JustRosy
hallowed be the Ori
@TanekRune @JustRosy Hallowed are the Ori.
@tacnextgen @JustRosy
My bad, it's been so long.
@TanekRune @tacnextgen The Ori are very forgiving of those who turn back to the path of Origin.