“A Texas woman was just forced to beg for life-saving health care in court and now any doctor who provides her the care she urgently needs is being threatened with punishment including a lifetime prison sentence,” Escobar said…. “This story is shocking, it’s horrifying, and it’s heartbreaking.”
The Texas Supreme Court and Ken Paxton continue to prevent Kate Cox from an abortion she needs to protect her life. https://www.texastribune.org/2023/12/08/texas-abortion-lawsuit-ken-paxton/ #misogyny #ReproductiveJustice #AbortionRights
@heidilifeldman This was never about saving children. This is only about controlling women and saving patriarchy.
@CaseyWrites @heidilifeldman
It’s also about reducing competition for mediocre white men.
@nancyann @CaseyWrites @heidilifeldman
They started that shit when they got rid of women calling them witches and burning them at the stake...Fuckers.
@nancyann @CaseyWrites @heidilifeldman
The death of his child is writen off in his tiny peanut of a brain as Sky daddy willed it so it's ok. Guilt ? nope. Sadness? nope. Jebus did it.. Texas is home to the largest mega church cults.
@GatekeepKen @CaseyWrites @heidilifeldman
So he’s not accountable. How convenient.
@nancyann @CaseyWrites @heidilifeldman
It's a sickness akin to what trump has. It's untreatable. No mega church has given a nickle to Urakine. That should tell you who's side these traitors are on.
The tax laws must be changed. If they’re “churches” a large percentage of the funds they collect must be used for charitable purposes. These are just big, untaxed businesses scamming the ignorant.
The elephant in the room left undiscussed by democrats.
It's the electrafied rail..
Yeah. And as long as voters believe they should choose one party, and then the other to keep things “balanced”. It will only get worse and worse. How do voters not see they’re footing the bill for the rich, corporations and churches?