An army of idiots is more effective than a congress of geniuses.
If there were a single point of political failure, it would be that only idiots
seem to believe that.
Sudarshanlive:15/12/2024, international news updates, report by-interpol, Not every thing is as it seems Evolving #GenerativeAI enables scammers to create ultra-realistic human avatars. This technology is becoming increasingly accessible and is deceiving thousands worldwide through voice, image, text manipulation. #ThinkTwice: Verify identities through multiple channels and be cautious of requests, even from "familiar" faces. Don’t…
TikTok Didik Pengguna #ThinkTwice Sebelum Lakukan Perkara Yang Boleh Memudaratkan Dalam Talian -
#FikirSebelumKomen #ThinkTwice #tiktok #tiktokmalaysia
Sudarshanlive:04/12/2024, international news updates, report by-interpol, #Ransomware attacks are on the rise, with a staggering average 70% increase in 2023. However, attacks are higher in volume but lower in value – the average ransomware demand decreased by over 20% in 2024. Companies are spending approximately USD 2.73 million in recovery costs, excluding the ransom. #ThinkTwice and prioritize your #cybersecurity - provide regular…
Wat een hoop vooroordelen in de reacties, ik wist niet dat er zoveel tegenstand was in deze tijden dat #tweedehands spullen an sich het toch nog steeds goed doen. Getuige bv de tweedehandswinkeltjes die er nog altijd bijkomen.
Om maar te zeggen: het is niet uitgesloten dat tweedehandskledij kan ruiken, soms te duur is voor wat het is, enz. Maar scheer dat toch niet allemaal over dezelfde kam. Bij #ThinkTwice bv valt dat allemaal goed mee.
Een grapje om het luchtig te houden;
TikTok #ThinkTwice, Ajak Rakyat Malaysia Berfikir Dahulu Sebelum Komen. Wujud Komuniti Dalam Talian Positif -
#ThinkTwice #tiktok
Ist jemals ein männlicher Sportler nach zwei Kindern gefragt worden, warum er sich eine weitere Sportlerkarriere „antun” würde? Eben #Tagesspiegel! #thinktwice #dummersexismus
Voir les paroles de la chanson “Think Twice” de Céline Dion
#CélineDion #ThinkTwice
Paroles de la chanson “Think Twice” de Céline Dion
#CélineDion #ThinkTwice
Découvrez les paroles de la chanson “Think Twice” de Céline Dion
#CélineDion #ThinkTwice
Don't be an eggcorn! Verify your thoughts before they tweet you into trouble! #ThinkTwice #RealityCheck
Entdecken Sie den Text des Liedes “Think Twice” von Céline Dion
#CélineDion #ThinkTwice
If you find yourself saying: "but the money's just too good", think twice. Then think a third time. Do you really want to do that thing just for the money? #ThinkTwice #FollowYourPassion
Jede(r) Veggie/Veganer(in) kennt Sprüche wie: "Ich esse ALLES!" von Karnisten(-innen). Sie werden in vollster Überzeugung der moralischen Überlegenheit ausgesprochen. In Wirklichkeit handelt es sich um Ignoranz.
- Pflanzliche Ernährung reduziert Tierleiden.
- Senkt Risiko von Krankheiten.
- Verringert ökologischen Fußabdruck.
- Benötigt weniger Wasser und Land.
- Bietet abwechslungsreiche Ernährung.
12:50am Think Twice by Donald Byrd from Stepping Into Tomorrow
#DonaldByrd #ThinkTwice #JazzNetwork #KUVO
UK hip hop heavyweights and High Focus Records bosses The Four Owls return to perform live in March with gigs in London and Manchester.
#BVA #Fliptrix #HighFocusRecords #jazzcafe #LeafDog #Nature'sGreatestMystery #TheBluesKitchen #The FourOwls #thinktwice #verbt
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Sometimes a Called Strike Is Better Than Swinging at a Bad Pitch. #StrategicDecisions #DecisionMaking #KnowWhenToHoldBack #TimingMatters #ThinkTwice #WiseChoices #SmartMoves