@FeloniousPunk shout-out to the Limewire Hardcore, I've got mp3 files older than some adults on my drives!
@FeloniousPunk shout-out to the Limewire Hardcore, I've got mp3 files older than some adults on my drives!
The day the music industry sued someone for $72 trillion
In the first decade of the 2000s, the recorded music industry lost millions to piracy. One of its solutions was to sue someone for more than the GDP of Earth.
#music #lawsuit #piracy #industry #Entertainment #LimeWire
The day the music industry sued someone for $72 trillion
In the first decade of the 2000s, the recorded music industry lost millions to piracy. One of its solutions was to sue someone for more than the GDP of Earth.
#music #lawsuit #piracy #industry #Entertainment #LimeWire
The brief history of Limewire during the untamed frontier of digital music.
#limewire #digitalhistory #bleedingedgetechnology #peertopeer
A propos Musik: wisst ihr noch, wie wir alle dachten, "Where is my Mind" (Abspann von Fight Club) sei von Placebo, weil man auf #Limewire fast nur die Version mit dem falschen Dateinamen gefunden hat? Good Times.
Everyone is posting their wrapped so thought I would post mine
And before you ask, yes my computer does seem to be infected with a virus, how did you know?
A filthy and horny mix from Peaches, they would have had to play that late at night on the radio with some of those tunes, whew!
I know this was one of the first tunes I downloaded on Limewire and in the hallowed folder of mp3's which are now older than a few adults walking around right now.
#Breezeblock #Peaches #Limewire
Crashed 2 or 3 at least. Content libraries of the thousands, lost forever.
BBC 6 Music are doing an all day Rave for 00s music and yes, some of those tracks I remember downloading off Limewire are 20+ years old now. I still have some of them, I have mp3's older than some adults walking around now.
I am a cultural preservationist!
Technologie-enthusiasten, zeit zurückzublicken: die Ära von kazaa und limewire https://www.trendingtech.news/trending-news/2024/07/22224/technologie-enthusiasten-zeit-zur-ckzublicken-die-ra-von-kazaa-und-limewire #Kazaa #LimeWire #File-Sharing #TorrentFreak #Technologie-Enthusiasten #Trending #News #Nieuws
I think people miss #Limewire so much because of how free and seamless that shit was. Streaming services don't fill that void. They are raising prices constantly and they occasionally take out songs and albums.
#NeuralNetwork #AIArt #DALLE3 #krea #LimeWire #Photoshop
С праздником, прекрасные и премудрые!
@ru@lor.sh @Russia@3zi.ru
@chirpbirb #nice #limewire #piracy #funny
LimeWire was a free peer-to-peer file sharing client for Windows, macOS, Linux and Solaris. Created by Mark Gorton in 2000, it was most prominently a tool used for the download and distribution of pirated materials, particularly pirated music.
@jcrabapple Yo homie that's sounds about right , I was in the same position as you.
I had a friend who taught me how to build my PC. He helped me with it at our job (liquor store) lol I know crazy.
FrostWire: Populärer BitTorrent-Client wieder im Google Play Store
#Filesharing #AngelLeon #Badshah #BitTorrent #BittorrentClient #Frostwire #GendaPhool #GooglePlayStore #IcePhoenix #LimeWire https://sc.tarnkappe.info/7b4c58