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„Seine Radikalität ist ein Konter zu Tendenzen auch im ‚progressiven‘ Mainstream, die ‚Unterentwicklung‘ Afrikas durch den Kolonialismus zuzugestehen, aber von der aktuellen Struktur des globalen Kapitalismus abzukoppeln.“ — @rheinze zu #WalterRodney, marxistischer Historiker, Aktivist und #BlackPower-Vordenker, der 1980 mit nur 38 Jahren durch einen Sprengstoffanschlag der guyanischen Armee getötet wurde. Rodneys Schriften aus der panafrikanischen Revolution entdecken: dietzberlin.de/dekolonialer-ma

"We were told that violence in itself is evil, and that, whatever the cause, it is unjustified morally. By what standard of morality can the violence used by a slave to break his chains be considered the same as the violence of a slave master? By what standards can we equate the violence of Blacks who have been oppressed, suppressed, depressed and repressed for four centuries with the violence of white fascists? Violence aimed at the recovery of human dignity and at equality cannot be judged by the same yardstick as violence aimed at maintenance of discrimination and oppression."

- Walter Rodney, "The Groundings with My Brothers"

„Forschen und kämpfen“! @rheinze legt euch in der neuen @analysekritik unsere Neuerscheinung »Dekolonialer Marxismus« des guyanischen Historikers und Aktivisten Walter Rodney (1942 geboren, 1980 ermordet) ans Herz, der in seiner Aktualität, Radikalität und Brillanz der Analyse zur „Unterentwicklung“ Afrikas durch Europa tief beeindruckt: dietzberlin.de/produkt/dekolon

There’s an amazing effect that happens when reading #WalterRodney in the current moment, and that is that you suddenly realise he talked about many issues in a way that lots of very current academic works are. He touches on environmental justice, colonial economies, groundings and racism and his theses have been taken up in the last years by people who don’t even cite him.

Europas wichtigste Entscheidung für den ›vorkolonialen‹ Handel mit Afrika: „Europa wies Afrika die Rolle des Lieferanten menschlicher Gefangener zu, die als Sklavinnen in verschiedenen Teilen der Welt eingesetzt werden sollten.” — Mindblowing Walter Rodney in »Dekolonialer Marxismus«, jetzt erstmals auf Deutsch erschienen: dietzberlin.de/produkt/dekolon

Angela Davis sagte: „Im Hinblick auf den sich neu formierenden Widerstand gegen den globalen Kapitalismus ist seine fesselnde Analyse aktueller denn je.“ Die Rede ist von: #WalterRodney, bril­lanter Theoretiker, Aktivist und Black Power-Vordenker, der 1980 ermordet wurde. Seine Ideen waren nicht aufzuhalten. Neu + radikal: »Dekolonialer Marxismus«, die bisher auf Deutsch unveröffentlichte Sammlung seiner Schriften zur panafrikanischen Revolution | dietzberlin.de/produkt/dekolon

+ OUT NOW + »Dekolonialer Marxismus« enthält bisher unveröffentlichte od. verstreut erschienene Schriften des kritischen Historikers + radikalen Aktivisten #WalterRodney, die während der weltbewegenden Tage der Schwarzen Revolution der 1960/70er entstanden. Darin erörtert der Vordenker der Black Power-Bewegung den Zshg. von Kolonialismus + Kapitalismus, antikoloniale Geschichtsschreibung, radikale Pädagogik & die sozialistische Perspektive für nationale Befreiungskämpfe: dietzberlin.de/produkt/dekolon

It's #BlackHistoryMonth, and in 2024 I'm reflecting on the fact that although I've known about Walter Rodney and his seminal work "How Europe Underdeveloped Africa" for years, it wasn't until I started reading it last year that I found out that Rodney was assassinated by his own Guyanese government in a car bombing. He was 38.

I'm obligated to point out to fellow white people, in case you missed it, the trend of white people lionizing a heroic Black person in a show of solidarity while studiously ignoring the vicious violence enacted against that person by the powers that be.

Also, Rodney was banned from Jamaica and from his teaching position at the University of the West Indies in Mona, Jamaica. This caused protests that escalated to riots in Kingston in 1968. Part of the wave of protests that swept the world from that year to the next.

Anyway, please read Rodney.
And/or about Rodney. web.archive.org/web/2004110506
#books #history #histodons #WalterRodney #Guyana #CaribbeanHistory #PanAfrican #Marxism @histodons

“The local organizing around Cop City has been absolutely phenomenal,” she said. “The work that’s being done by the eco-activists and the abolitionists who are coming together and exploring ways in which those struggles are linked, that is actually a precedent for the whole country.”

Good interview with Angela Davis about that award she accepted from and then returned to the City of Atlanta.


Capital B AtlantaHow the Stop Cop City Movement Inspired Angela DavisWe spoke to the activist about why, in a gesture of solidarity with protestors, she returned an award given to her by Atlanta leaders.


Walter Rodney, un historien engagé (1942-1980) by Amzat Boukari-Yabara

#WalterRodney, #Guyana, #Guyanesehistory, #PanAfricanism, #Guyane, #Panafricanisme, #biography, #biographies, #Africanhistory, #Tanzania, #Caribbean, #revolutionaries, #marxism, #marxists, #marxisme, #biographie, #historians, #histoireAfricaine, #historiens, #colonialism, #neocolonialism, #néocolonialisme, #britishcolonialism, #anticolonialism, #anticolonialisme, #Tanzanie, #Caraïbe, #Caraïbes, #Caribbeanhistory, #histoiredesCaraïbes

Ce livre analyse la vie et l’œuvre de l’historien et homme politique de Guyana, Walter Rodney (1942-1980), ses années de formation, ses influences, son idéologie, et son action politique.

Alors que Rodney a fait l’objet d’une demi-douzaine de monographies en anglais, cet ouvrage est le premier travail en français consacré à cet historien anglophone. Il s’adresse autant à un public universitaire travaillant sur les mondes africains qu’à un public « militant » engagé sur les questions de développement et de luttes sociales.

Internet ArchiveWalter Rodney, un historien engagé (1942-1980) : Amzat Boukari-Yabara : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet ArchiveCe livre analyse la vie et l’œuvre de l’historien et homme politique de Guyana, Walter Rodney (1942-1980), ses années de formation, ses influences, son...


Walter Rodney by Eusi Kwayana

#WalterRodney, #Guyana, #WorkingPeoplesAlliance, #socialism, #antiimperialism, #Guyanesepolitics, #WPA, #PeoplesProgressiveParty, #PPP, #PeoplesNationalCongress, #PNC, #history, #SouthAmerica, #Caribbean

from the description on the final page:

“This booklet contains two articles on Walter Rodney by Eusi Kwayana. The first, a description of ‘those days’ was written in early 1985 in response to a request from friends of Walter associated with the Walter Rodney bookshop and Race Today Collective in the UK. … The second briefly discusses Rodney's contribution to the struggle for bread and justice. It was written in 1981…”

Internet ArchiveWalter Rodney : Eusi Kwayana : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archivefrom the description on the final page: “This booklet contains two articles on Walter Rodney by Eusi Kwayana. The first, a description of ‘those days’...