We had to go to the dentist today, and Sjiriki came with on his first big(ish) PA trip! He did so good

Just as we were entering the building a big group of children came running out and some clustered around him which he got very excited by (he loves kids), but he calmed back down super quick and did a great loose leash heel through the building until we got to the dentist. In the waiting room he pretty immediately settled, and did great ignoring other people walking past. When I had to go in to the exam room he initially came along with my mom handling him, but struggled with having to be on the other side of the room from me, so my mom took him back to the waiting room where he got a snuffle mat to help him calm down. He was a little bit fussy there, wanting to wait near the door, but immediately went back to settling when I came back and then stayed chill all through waiting for the rest of my family to be done. Heeling out of the building was no problem either, he was happy to stick by my side and didn’t care for any distractions. I’ve really done very little formal training with him, only focusing on his being comfortable wherever we are and rewarding engagement when he gives it to me. I get insecure sometimes when I see other puppies his age with a whole repertoire of behaviors while he doesn’t even know sit, but today showed me that the foundational stuff we’ve worked on is in fact paying off, and that he has the potential to be a wonderful service dog 🩶
ID: a nonbinary person sits on a couch in a waiting room. At their feet a lies a teenage Siberian Husky, his head pillowed on one of their feet. He wears a tactical service dog vest, the leash clipped to it held loosely by the person.
#husky #siberianhusky #puppy #puppies #huskypuppy #siberianhuskypuppy #forcefree
#servicedog #servicedogintraining #psychiatricservicedog #autismservicedog #hulphond #hulphondinopleiding #autismehulphond #psychiatrischehulphond #assistentiehond #assistentiehondinopleid