KI: Künstliche Intelligenz:
KI: Künstliche Intelligenz:
Isaac Asimov's first law of Robotics:
"A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm."
When I read this in the mid 1980s, as a teen Sci-Fi fan and a young computer programmer, I was stumped.
The clause that I found the most difficult was, "through inaction". What this means is - if there's a toddler in a room that is dangerously close to a stairwell or a balcony, your robot vacuum cleaner should spring into action and keep that child safe.
This meant that the robot had to be:
1. Constantly Powered on.
2. Have video camera capabilities.
3. Constantly watching the room.
4. Constantly processing the input video stream to determine whether a human was in danger, in the camera's field of view.
In 1984, this was a tall order. My ZX Spectrum+ had only 48 Kilobytes of RAM. It had no video camera. Processing a live video feed intelligently was way beyond the capabilities of that machine, and of most computers of that time.
Today it's possible to achieve this capability with contemporary hardware and software. However, this means that we briefly turned into a surveillance state, with machines hypervigilantly watching us, to keep us safe, and to keep the watchmen safe.
The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom. ~ #IsaacAsimov #quotes #knowledge #wisdom
@jwcph @pluralistic Speaking of paperclip maximisers, I've long suspected that Asimov's true target with his Three Rules of Robotics wasn't robots per se but private enterprise.
It'd be ... interesting ... to have an incorporation statute which ... incorporated those rules of behaviour.
IA: Inteligencia Artificial:
@Gargron @susankayequinn As in many tech things, #IsaacAsimov had it right in his classic story, “The Feeling of Power”.
When I was a kid in elementary school, bored, I remember sitting at the back of the classroom where there was a set of encyclopedia, and started reading volume by volume.
The world of A.D. 2014 will have few routine jobs that cannot be done better by some machine than by any human being. Mankind will therefore have become largely a race of machine tenders. All high-school students will be taught the fundamentals of computer technology and will be trained to perfection in the use of the computer languages. Mankind will suffer badly from the disease of boredom, a disease spreading more widely each year and growing in intensity. This will have serious mental, emotional and sociological consequences, and I dare say that psychiatry will be far and away the most important medical specialty in 2014.
-- Isaac Asimov (NY Times 1964)
#Wisdom #Quotes #IsaacAsimov #Automation #Boredom #Computers #Consequences #Education #TheFuture
#Photography #Panorama #Panopainting #Flowers #Junkyard #Minnesota
@noam No, I completely get that. Some writers I love have said that writing "short shorts" was akin to "sweating blood" because every single word is so important.
(Specifically thinking of the sainted #TerryPrachett and #IsaacAsimov here!)
And thanks for the link
IA : Intelligence Artificielle:
Du changement à la tête de la série Fondation.
De bon augure pour une saison 4 ?
"Tal vez la felicidad sea esto: no sentir que debes estar en otro lado, haciendo otra cosa, siendo alguien más".
Isaac Asimov
Isaac Asimov e la sua vita. Mille parole al giorno #Fantascienza #IsaacAsimov #Recensioni
Artificial intelligence is evolving just as our minds do while growing up #AgenticAi #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #ChatGPT #Claude #deepmind #GenAI #GenerativeAI #GoogleClaude #GoogleVeo #IsaacAsimov #JensenHuang #Nvidia #PerceptionAi #PhysicalAi #Robotics #ThreeLawsOfRobotics
Rewatching "I, Robot" tonight. Absolutely fascinating how similar its cultural "climate" is to the feelings around AI and other newer technologies.
I need to read some Asimov, any recommendations?
@adhdjesse I feel seen. I feel called out lol
I have literally only asked for books as Christmas/birthday presents lately, and I have only read one chapter of one book.
I want more books! I want to start collecting #isaacasimov books!
ARKADY (1985) Acrylic on Canvas - 32" x 20"
Having passed through terrible destruction, the former hub of the Galaxy in Isaac Asimov's classic opus is now a pastoral world. 1/4
Why I love Science Fiction books and movies.
The Spy: "You should believe in the minds that built Trantor, built the jump drive, that built the star-bridge."
Gaal Dornick: "Where I come from they call those scientists, not politicians."
The Spy: "I know where you come from Gaal, they were called heretics and drowned."
"The Foundation" Season 1 Episode 1"
In his short story “The Last Question”, #IsaacAsimov asked if it was possible to reverse entropy and prevent the end of all things. Check out Merlin’s video summary and analysis of this interesting #scifi thought exercise and its surprising conclusion. #writing #philosophy