Through March 8 the ebook of Flicka's LOVERS is offered for FREE on Smashwords. #writing #WritingCommunity #iamwriting #author #wordweavers #WritersOfMastodon #WritersCoffeeClub #Books #bookstodon #Words #wordweavers #fiction
I got another 1700 words written this evening. I'm now finished with the first pass of the Prologue. The boat is in Chicago, my companion is on board, and we're ready to start. I'll get started on Chapter 1 tomorrow.
Photo shows my boat being lowered into the Calumet River in south Chicago on October 11, 2022.
Coming up for air. I feel a little burned out from today's #writing session and think I should take a break. I might get back to it later. I was shooting for 3,000 words and only managed 2,766. Close enough? Maybe.
Today I wrote about my shakedown cruises in Sept 2022 and the arrangements to get the boat shipped to Chicago with a marine hauler in Oct. I think 1500 words will cover the last part part of this prologue and get my readers to Chicago with us. #IAmWriting… (1/2)
Got a ton of small chores done, got the cat off the deck, got my water glass full. I'm ready to get some work done. If I can work uninterrupted until noon, I will probably get as much written as I did the other day, which was over 6,000 words.
Tuning out for a while. See you at lunchtime!
If you plan on selling your books for $2.99 each, you can't afford better quality work. But if that's the case, you also don't have the right to complain about the quality you're getting. You get what you pay for.
My books will cost more than that just to print. But I think the level of professionalism I put into my work should also be reflected in the level of professionalism put into the printing. I don't expect to hear any complaints about print quality. #IAmWriting #writing (2/2)
I just knocked out another 1500 words. I'm really enjoying the #writing, especially the challenge of shortening up a story that spans more than two years. I think I'm doing a decent job, too. It'll be interesting to see what the reviewers have to say. #IAmWriting
I think 5300 words is a respectible amount progress for a half day of #writing. The Introduction is done and I'm about 2/3 done with the Prelude, which covers everything before I start my trip. I'm enjoying this a lot more than I thought I would. In a way, it's like writing a really, really long blog post. #IAmWriting
The new two-monitor setup is working out well for writing. I put my manuscript on one screen and windows for my research materials on the other. Those materials include blog posts that will be partially incorporated in the book, a list of my stops along the way, a web browser window for looking things up, and my photo library for pulling out photos I may include. As long as I can stay focused, I can be productive.
#IAmWriting… (2/3)