#CaptainAmerica & #Falcon 134-137. These issues are okay. #StanLee writing okay, while #GeneColan art is amazing.
#MarvelComics #SpiderMan
#CaptainAmerica & #Falcon 134-137. These issues are okay. #StanLee writing okay, while #GeneColan art is amazing.
#MarvelComics #SpiderMan
Norman Nodel 1970 (2/2)
I would never put #NormanNodel in a class with #JohnRomita, #GeneColan or #JohnBuscema, but I would put this story up against anything they did for Marvel romance comics in this era.
Major eBay Charlton Romance haul! 95 comics for $2.75 each including tax and shipping.
Norman Nodel 1970 (1/2)
I would never put #NormanNodel in a class with #JohnRomita, #GeneColan or #JohnBuscema, but I would put this story up against anything they did for Marvel romance comics in this era.
In the novel, one of Dracula's powers is commanding weather (mist, storms, etc.). As this Dracula is a sorcerer as well as a vampire, it's unclear if his weather control comes from spells or his undead nature. Certainly, it's a power more often identified with sorcery. Gene Colan
I was high bidder on this beauty. #NightForce #MarvWolfman #GeneColan #dccomics
The Atlas Comics Library No. 4: War Comics Vol. 1 Available November 19
#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #TheAtlasComicsLibrary – #JoeManeely – #GeneColan – #RussHeath – @fantagraphics – Author: Joe Maneely & Gene Colan & Russ Heath Continuing Fantagraphics’ project to reprint Marvel Comics’ 1950s genre titles, this volume compiles the…
#JoeManeely&GeneColan&RussHeath #TheAtlasComicsLibrary #Comics #Releases #ad #horror
#CaptainAmerica issues 119-123 I on a long stretch of issues I have never read. #StanLee #GeneColan #JoeSinnott #Falcon #RedSkull #MODOK #Scorpion #ManBrute #NickFury
Wow, these 4 stories are pretty grovey #CaptainAmerica tales #StanLee #JohnBuscema #GeneColan #Goliath #Yellowjacket #TheWasp #TheVision #RickJones #RedSkull #Falcon issues 115-118
"I never expected anything like what it’s turned into. I just loved to draw and tell stories. [...] To see my stuff in print and with color was unbelievable to me."
—Gene Colan, interviewed by Bryan Stroud in 2009, published in Neard Team 30
'The Tomb of Dracula' (1972), by Gerry Conway and Gene Colan
Captain Marvel #4 (Vol. 1, 1968)
W-#RoyThomas,A-#GeneColan,I-#VinceColletta L-#IrvWatanabe
#CaptainMarvel #MarVell #Kree #Namor #SubMariner #Marvel #MarvelComics #MarvelCosmic
Psycho-Probe (Comics) Memory Probe (MCU)
Captain Marvel #3 (Vol. 1, 1968)
W-#RoyThomas,A-#GeneColan,I-#VinceColletta L-#ArtieSimek
#CaptainMarvel #MarVell #CarolDanvers #Skrull #SuperSkrull #Klrt #MCU #Marvel #MarvelComics #MarvelCosmic
Captain Marvel #2 (Vol. 1, 1968)
#CaptainMarvel #MarVell #Kree #Skrull #DorrekVII #SuperSkrull #Klrt #Marvel #MarvelComics #MarvelCosmic
Walter Lawson / Mar-Vell meets Carol Danvers for the first time…
Marvel Super-Heroes #13 (Vol. 1, 1967)
#CaptainMarvel #MarVell #CarolDanvers #Sentry459 #Marvel #MarvelComics #MarvelCosmic
Sub-Mariner #43 (Nov. 1971). Cover by #GilKane, #FrankGiacoia
"Mind-Quake!" by #GerryConway #GeneColan #MikeEsposito
While searching for his father, #Namor, runs into a Tuval who is influencing a group of teenagers and absorbing their youth. Namor defeats Tuval and frees those under his influence, unaware that one of those freed is his father, Captain Mackenzie.
Gene Colan
Which One Of Us Will He Marry
#DC #romance