CAPTCHAs suck.
1. Often it’s confusing how to solve them (is that a capital K? Do I select the boxes with the traffic light pole?)
2. Some require multiple of them to be solved, which is painful.
3. When you fail one, it’s not clear what you did wrong.
4. I’ve seen some where the cookie isn’t saved correctly or something, and you’re stuck continually solving them.
5. Overall, it’s a huge waste of time and resources.
There has to be a better way!
@stevedidomenico There is. It's called Google Captcha V3, but that kinda comes at the cost of your privacy, as it tracks like everything it can get to check out if you are human. It even tracks your mouse movements...
I'd take clicking crossroads all day.
@jakob Ah, thanks! Indeed, that doesn’t sound like a great solution. :/
@chris True! Then we’d probably need to find a new line of work.