THREAD: From BeaverWorks Oregon: Why does a #beaver (or beaver pair) decide to “settle” in a certain #stream
and make the area his or her own— a place to invest in dam building and den building with the long-term goal of raising a family?
#habitat #biodiversity #beaverrestoration
We believe that just like young human families who seek out a “starter home” in a community with good schools, nearby amenities, welcoming neighbors and jobs to provide for the family, #beavers also seek out similar basic conditions in order to settle down and build a family.
#Beavers #BeaverRestoration #EcosystemEngineers #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateResilience #Nature #NatureBasedSolutions #Wetlands #Wildfire #KeystoneSpecies #Biodiversity #WaterQuality #Drought
Here are some 'beaver basics' in considering where to build their new home base:
* safety (hydrology) from predators,
* shelter (good denning and refuge holes),
* abundant food supplies (for many mouths over many years), and
* human tolerance
#Beavers #BeaverRestoration #EcosystemEngineers #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateResilience #Nature #NatureBasedSolutions #Wetlands #Wildfire #KeystoneSpecies #Biodiversity #WaterQuality #Drought