No one told me that retirement at 67 would be jarring. For 50 years, I found my challenges, value, and rewards in my work. When I let that go, I was unprepared to find those things elsewhere going forward. They will no longer be found in a singular focus, but a multi-faceted one. I must rediscover myself. Once again, I am a work in progress. #retirement #life #work #selfworth #contentment
@ogtrekker I retired the end of June, visited my children because they have the grandkids, visited some friends, cleaned and organized my house... that's ongoing, took a class on psychic development, and discovered I am a pretty good psychic medium, and now I am practicing run on sentences. Good luck on rediscovering yourself!
@ogtrekker Vocational school....This is like British soccer hooligans on yaba. Crazy stuff.
@ogtrekker amen brother, amen!
@ogtrekker Still young. You will find your path.