I went to bed "early" at a quarter after midnight and, as expected, I woke up 4 hours later thinking "That was a nice nap. Now I am awake and hungry." So now I'm messing around online and having Saucy Shrimp. I'll go back to bed in a bit.
In the meantime, I've been reading through the ultimate Mythbusters summary, and what strikes me is how weak a stick of dynamite is? Apparently a stick of dynamite exploding under an SUV does no damage to the SUV nor the ice it was sitting on (episode 101), and two sticks of dynamite exploding on a log does no damage to the log (ep 163)? I'm sure one stick is enough to severely injure or kill an animal, but apparently anything more durable than us flesh bags can withstand a whole lotta dynamite.
I thought it was much more powerful than that. I thought a single stick would blow up a whole SUV. Learning every day!