When a Tesla dealership gets shot at they send ICE. When a school gets shot at they send thoughts and prayers.
Words to live by
@godpod I wonder who hears those prayers. Whoever it is, they are not doing their job very well.
@godpod Amazing how well you just summed up the right with a mere two short sentences.
@godpod Reminder: This is exactly what also happened during the Democratic administration too, nothing but thoughts and prayers and “attempts” to pass gun control legislation.
ain't that the awful truth brother!
@godpod Money has always been the true God of America.
@godpod For me, the only thing harder about living through this moment is living through it with young children. Daily, this country demonstrates how little value our children’s lives hold to those who just want more money and power. We haven’t been a healthy country for a long, long time.
@StephanieMoore @godpod
Fully agree. Luckily I am living in Europe, but also here things are twisted.
These techguys are using you as "human resources" to get more money. Thats all.
Over all these events the last months I was feeling myself lucky to not have just now small kids or grandchildren. And this is a bad thing to have such a feeling
God gets "The Burn of the Day."
@godpod you and the onion, sorry for keeping up with the madness...
Exactly right.
@godpod the right values property over human life.
@godpod in time, they will probably send ICE to school shootings too, to see if they can deport any of the survivors
@godpod we're all equal until you blow the president
@godpod Teslas are far more important than kids it seems.
@godpod Keep up with posts like this and you may actually earn the title you have given yourself,
@godpod yep, they consider things worth more than kids...
@godpod hopefully ICE gets some lead too.
@godpod you should know best how this all works apparently you cause all of it
“ They'd rather eat their children than part with money and they are very fond of children. “
“Prizzi’s Honor”
@godpod Following the sales pitch of the church that wants to sell you to us, their thoughts and prayers should be a whole lot more powerful than ICE or anything. All I find though, they are not. Somehow that makes me think you're just some social media account and not the real thing.
@godpod And when a school in Gaza gets shot at, they send more bombs.
@godpod @coderipper that’s because one is “domestic terrorism” and the other is “just another day in the classroom “, don’cha know?
And you don't answer either.
@godpod yep, strange bias....