Me too. For everyone who wants one, here's a link.
@georgetakei One can´t write felony without elon, can one?
@mythlfrythtyg You really can't!
@georgetakei sulu, just do it. Put it on yo starship(s) 2
@georgetakei this would look good in a Red maga style hat. Imagine the aneurysms the magats will have.
@georgetakei epic band name
@lasse Great idea!
@georgetakei love to see it on a Tesla
Everything Elon is doing right now should make him a felon too, in a sane world
@georgetakei Especially if you own a swasticar
@georgetakei I love that bumper sticker.
@georgetakei Now there's an interesting observation.
No, officer.
It is not offensive language.
The "F'" stands for "For".
"Heil Drumpf to you too officer!"
@georgetakei I hope you are not driving any of those #swasticars?
@georgetakei Can't believe I'm agreeing with someone I was not associated with just a year ago...
@georgetakei Yes but why is the kerning different on ELON and FELON?
@georgetakei This works for me!