@georgetakei I hope this never happens here.
@georgetakei The Weather Channel already has its own channel on all the services, available 24h. This is the same thing as self checkout and it will be just as beloved by the public.
@georgetakei Let's see Bryon Allen's Weather Channel break-in live 24/7 into 50 to 100 local markets in 24 states as the tornados hit town and leave no community behind. This is going to be a crash and burn tragedy. The rural parts of these TV markets are going to be left alone worse than they already are by local media.
Our weather forecasters won't even get their rears out of the way and stand through the nightly radar animation as it plays through, but they are there as the storms leave the metro and suburbs into our direction until the storms leave the TV market.
For that matter, the local news doesn't know a large landmass the FCC exclusively gives them exist unless it's a tornado or murder. Got to be a juicy murder, though. Simple domestic won't get the news crews around. Maybe a wreck involving teens or a school bus will. Sorry, I went off into a different direction there. I'll stop now.
@georgetakei I am not necessarily a Schadenfreude kinda guy, but television stations are one of the groups that chased hype (the machines will come alive and kill us all) versus the facts (we have a new effective way to reduce dependency on human assets. This should save awesome amounts of money for the owners of this station)!
This makes it much easier to suppress climate change news when all TV stations use the same weather channel feed…
@georgetakei That is awful. Nothing can beat a local forecaster with deep knowledge of the unique micro climates in the broadcast area.
It is especially true here in the Portland, OR metro area. We have a lot of hard to forecast factors. Especially in the winter time. At least all our local Mets are here to stay.
@georgetakei Humans are on the endangered species list.
@georgetakei although I don’t want them replaced in all fairness it’s a job where you can be completely wrong and not get fired. I even thought about 3D printing some weather dice they could roll jokingly on tv and “predict” the weather. “The dice say…. 90 and snow”