Marjorie Taylor Greene spent her Presidents' Day urging a "national divorce" on Twitter. And we all know what that means.
See Liz Cheney expertly call her out for her threat of "secession" here:
@georgetakei Fine, they can all move to Florida, and we'll build a wall around the state line.
@mos_8502 @georgetakei please god let this happen i'm so fucking done
@mos_8502 @georgetakei Florida and California have a nearly identical percentage of residents registered as Republicans (24.3% vs. 24.2%) Florida's problem is systemic gerrymandering, not bad people. Please stop wishing harm on us or dismissively writing us off.
@lumecolca @georgetakei I mean, in the imaginary world where such a thing actually happened, there'd be a program to get decent folk out.
@mos_8502 @georgetakei I don't want to leave my home and let fascists have it, though?
@lumecolca @georgetakei well you can’t live together in peace, and someone’s going to get displaced to contain the fucks. Who would you nominate? Utah?
@mos_8502 @georgetakei
I'm not really pro-letting fascists/white nationalists/etc. hold power literally anywhere in the universe.
@mos_8502 @lumecolca @georgetakei so you pass the decent folk test and then get removed from your home so fascists can destroy everything beautiful here?
The alternative is to just fight fascism and have zero tolerance for it anywhere and to give a shit about people even when they are from a place you think is a joke, which is actually somehow simpler than this ridiculous train of thought you've got going here.
@MartianBananas @lumecolca @georgetakei Sure, you can fight fascism. Problem is, I don't think a single American left of the mushy middle has the steel to do what that would require. I just don't see the people who pass themselves off as the American left as being able to commit genocide.
@lumecolca @mos_8502 @georgetakei Florida voters chose the people who put that gerrymandering in place. It *is* the fault of the Florida electorate (the plurality, not necessarily any single individual).
@mos_8502 Sounds like a win-win...
@georgetakei @mos_8502
George, I know you're joking around, but to the many many Floridians who are dedicated to fighting the evils being pushed by people like Greene, DeSantis, etc. the ever-present dismissiveness - considering Florida a lost cause - is disheartening at best.
There are millions of Floridians, including but not at all limited to every single school child and every single LGBTQ person in the state, currently being harmed by Republican politics in Florida, and we need real help.
@lumecolca @georgetakei I get what you're saying, and I wouldn't wish ill on any of the decent people down there, but no matter what, *someone* is getting written off. Not everywhere or everyone can be saved. Maybe Florida isn't one of the hopeless cases, maybe it is, I don't know, but there's no potential future where all 50 states are run by decent people, ever.
@mos_8502 @georgetakei
It's kinda wild to me that someone living in the country with the single worst record of accepting refugees during the rise of fascism in the 1930s is so ardently willing to "write off" people struggling under the rise of fascism today.
How many people are you willing to "write off"? Florida has nearly 22 million residents. Over 3.3 million of them are black - are they all written off? How about the over 4.2 million immigrants living in the state? The estimated 800k+ LGBT people in the state?
And picking another state doesn't help. All people everywhere deserve to live freely, safely, and happily, and we as humans have a responsibility to fight with them toward that end.
@lumecolca @georgetakei It's not a matter of willingness. It's a matter of reality. There are and can be no solutions that don't either involve a truly horrifying level of crimes against humanity, or a total and complete partition. The two Americas can't and will never be one, and they can't coexist in the same space much longer. That's just reality.
Not all problems have good solutions, and pretending they do won't save anyone.
@mos_8502 @georgetakei Why suggest Florida when the middle of the ocean is literally right there?
..foregin and domestic....This is as treasonous and anti-constitution as you can get.
@georgetakei Is MTG aware that she now represents a blue state?
@georgetakei just a BS attention seeker. Go back to getting attention doing squats or something MTG.
@georgetakei MTG is a commierusskie pinko asset
@georgetakei She already had two divorces. Her second one was from her husband. Her first was from reality.
@georgetakei the US needs a national divorce from this traitor: Marjorie Taylor Greene.
We need to "keep our eyes on the prize" and watch out for a more powerful person.
#lizcheney is no #adamkinzinger
Watch what Liz does, not what MT (empty) Green says.
Oh, #georgetakei maybe your Mastodon ID image is a little too bright?
Here, if you want to change it.
@georgetakei Gee, almost seems like Space Laser Lady didn't think through the full implications of her half-assed comment.
@georgetakei That would make an even wealthier, smarter & healthier Blue nation, & an even poorer, sicker & more ignorant red one.
@georgetakei the mistake the South made in the last Civil War was not convincing the North they’d be better off without.
I see they’re not making that mistake this time.
@georgetakei People are calling it secession but I believe the word dissolution is more apt.
It boggles my mind that the same state that gave us John Lewis, Jimmy Carter, Raphael Warnock and Jon Osoff (not to mention Stacey Abrams) could also give us MTG and almost gave us Herschel Walker. Sheesh!
@georgetakei I actually think mtg is right. At the point we live in, half the states have laws incompatible with the other half. The only way to force things together is through fascism. Better to let us all go our separate ways. I see everyone referencing the civil war... the north could have let the south walk away. I understand some of the reasons why they didnt, but it actually is an option to not force your views on a people.
@georgetakei she’s a traitor.
My wisdom as one with many years of experience in America is to say that I welcome a legal process to break up the United States. The "American Experiment" is a dismal failure. It appears, as one example, that the only way to neuter the Military-Industrial Complex is to dissolve the federal government. Forming an American Union to replace the mythical United States is a healthy step. So, let's give the septic Republican extremists what they want. Small gov't? No gov't, no power.
@georgetakei but mtg is one of the smart ones. What’s going on?
@georgetakei I suspect she thinks her town has cheated on AMERICA with a neighboring town the way she cheated on her husband.
@georgetakei Anyone besides me on the Left pretty OK with this?
@unhandyandy @georgetakei there are more democrats in Texas than there are in Oregon.
@philosodad @georgetakei OK, but they can emigrate
@unhandyandy @georgetakei can they? I mean, people need jobs. And homes. And not everyone can afford to move.
@georgetakei Why does Marjorie Taylor Greene always get so much attention everywhere? It seems like her businesses model works very well.
@georgetakei I'd love to give Empty Greene what she wants and end the following in GA: federal military bases; federal facilities; subsidies of all types; matching funds of all types; road/highway/rail funds. Let her then explain that to her constituents.
@georgetakei What it means is she has been and still is off her rocker! Such an earth shattering move is not going to happen on the say so of this piece of work! McCarthy seems to have put his party on the path of full self destruction!
@georgetakei , while I don’t agree with almost all of Cheney’s political views, I appreciate her speaking out on MTG’s insane statements
Its funny because she went through a divorce because her husband can’t stand her anymore
@georgetakei It seems like the only things Republicans are adamant about are things that cannot occur.
It would take a supermajority for any state to secede and that will never happen.
So the question is, what are the GOP hiding by throwing all these distractions in the way?
@georgetakei MTG is doing publicity stunts.
@georgetakei Even a broken clock can be right twice a day though .. that ecosystem is just full of so many problematic personas at this point it’s hard to see it as a viable network