the #ProudBoys' memecoin's logo is... a rooster?
PYOC? Piss On Your Coat?
@Sfwmson no idea. was wondering that myself.
@Sfwmson apparently POYC = "Proud Of Your Coin" and is the ticker symbol
@cryptadamist In Canada we call our $1 coin a "Loonie" due to the bird depicted.
They will be passing around a bunch of...
@Djo85 think you misspelled "cucks"
@cryptadamist The AI art is a nice touch too.
@Sibshops personally i was particularly taken by the #typography. like WTF is going on with the "I" in "PROUID"?
@cryptadamist @tootsnotreal cheeze --neighbors 0
@cryptadamist @GhostOnTheHalfShell
Cuz they have and are…cocks?