welcome to the terrordome
(p.s. bitcoiners are big mad that the executive order is about using taxpayer money to buy "crypto" not just "bitcoin")
[edit] here's the actual EO: https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/2025/01/strengthening-american-leadership-in-digital-financial-technology/
[edit] my summary of what's in the EO: https://substack.com/@cryptadamus/note/c-88170317
@cryptadamist Section 4.c.ii, for those looking for it:
"The Working Group shall evaluate the potential creation and maintenance of a national digital asset stockpile and propose criteria for establishing such a stockpile, potentially derived from cryptocurrencies lawfully seized by the Federal Government through its law enforcement efforts."
@zenkat realistically the govt just deciding to not sell the $30 billion or whatever in #SilkRoad bitcoins is probably the best case scenario here. the worst case scenario is they authorize the use of 1/4 of the military budget as a bailout for the crypto industry by buying hundreds of billions of dollars worth of crypto on the open market.
@cryptadamist Yeah, lot of worst case scenarios right now. Dude pardoned Ulbricht, nothing surprises me any more.
@cryptadamist sure not gonna argue the finer points of horribleness