on top of imgur, it seems reddit is about to commit death as well, they're going to charge for API access
If I can't use my third party app on reddit I'm out
Which means I'm out of pretty much all my social media spots I've built up over the last 15 years. sigh
@tupper More and more companies are turning on their users, assuming they're fair game to milk for money. Unfortunately it's going to backfire and hurt their profits just like it did with Twitter. It shows that federated approaches may be the only way to avoid having your social networks get used by greedy interests.
Mastodon's biggest setbacks are the limitations in searching and lack of features that are intentionally excluded from an exaggerated fear of harassment. There are discussions in the works to hopefully change this. Having consent dependant searchability that users can opt-into, or on by default for the the instance.
See this discussion: https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/issues/21627
Some instances like the one I'm using https://universeodon.com has enabled custom search features from this patch https://github.com/VyrCossont/mastodon/pull/8
It also has a custom UI theme that looks more similar to Twitter you can try from here https://elk.universeodon.com
#twitter #mastodon #searching #mastodonsearch #elk #elkapp #search