1:50 PM —
UGH. Got roped in by Heather to knuckle down n get doin my income taxes #today.
I figured that if my fedi-friend @joyce could gettem done and only needing to holler out in frustration twice, I could probably manage to as well.
It took me the whole morning and half my lunchtime, but I think I've gottem done. Not filed yet. Gotta do a go-over a time or two first.
Maybe tomorrow once the stress is less or at least subsided some.
But for now, they are set aside for some munchin n sipping and a step outside into this sunshiny day.
@Uncleharvey @joyce Oh I hated having to do my taxes when it was relevant.
I hope that your stress levels drop enough to finish them in the morning my friend!
Enjoy the sittin & sippin in the sun & remember the 2 certainties in life , taxes & ….
Congratulations! But how many times did you holler out in frustration?
Never really hollered out. But sure did trying to pull the hair outa my bald head alot.
I think it's good to wait a day or two to review what you did, when the rush to simply get it over with has passed. Let them sit until you can go back with a clear head.
Also, I think you get extra bonus points for doing them on a Slackerday!