"It takes a village, but not everyone is in your village. That's ok.
Cobble your village together from the smoldering wreckage of the city or country around you.
This is the essence of mutual aid and will be more crucial than ever. Mutual aid isn't just giving money to the friend whose city burnt down before yours.
Share your knowledge. Share your wisdom & your fears. Share your compassion. Share your joy and your tears. Share your skills & yes, even your bills."
#JoanMastodon #TTJ
@SrRochardBunson If anybody wants to create a numeracy village, I'm on that ok?
@geonz ooh, what is that?
@SrRochardBunson @evoterra just re-read “Fahrenheit 451” over the last week. In the end, the living books - the people chased from society - turn immediately back to help it rebuild after its practically inevitable destruction. So… I guess that’s how it’ll be.
@macosken @evoterra Yep. Absolutely.
That's why we're working on #SafeGuardingResearch & I'm collecting people's stories, #HeirloomFiction & #HeirloomArt
My digital #Wastebook is on a server in the UK & data is being stashed around the globe.