@SnowshadowII I've racked my brain on this, but it's a moving goalpost. We're in a perfect storm where people's feeds (reality) is so personalized that it's going to take creative thinking & new approaches.
Off the top of my head, I think it's going to take IRL public displays of various types. An unreal amount of peaceful demonstrators, too big to ignore. More public projections like the German Tesla factory musk bazi salute. Flash mobs doing interesting enough things for the videos to go viral & linking to things like this to get more people on the fediverse. Plastering public areas, telephone poles with the same or art with qr code to something specific. Chalk & banksyesque spray chalk with stencils. Spread the word of John & Joan Mastodon. They're our Ned Ludd.
"Use art as a weapon."