This post by @jdst258 was the straw that broke the camel's back. I'm finally going to start a #Capitalism #NeoLiberalism #ProUnion #ClassWar thread on my "normie" discussion forum.
This is in addition to the #Christofascism thread that's been going for years & the thread to track police & prison misconduct.
What should the focus be? What about the first post? I try to maintain a balance of solid information/links & memes/graphics to grab attention & drive a point home.
What are your best #Anarchism or #AntiCapitalism links and/or memes?
@SrRochardBunson @jdst258 The second one is perfection
@SrRochardBunson @jdst258 help, I don’t understand what is pictured in “I can’t afford 3 of these”, what are they?
Not exactly about unions, but I think #UBI fits in with your general theme. This meme is one of my favorites!
@SrRochardBunson @jdst258 not specifically anticapitalist but this Sinbad meme is an all time great to me.
@burnoutqueen @SrRochardBunson @jdst258 Superior weaponry and the paid thugs to use it.
maybe not everything, but it's a good starting point: