Today's MindFul Thought
**आचार प्रभवो धर्मः**
अर्थ :-
सद्विचार अर्थात् धर्म, या सदाचार अर्थात् धर्म!
‘आचार प्रवर्तक धर्म’ यानि क्या?
“कुछ लोगों के विचार बहुत अच्छे होते हैं, लेकिन व्यवहार (In Implementation) में वह शून्य (ज़ीरो) होते है।” श्रीमद्भगवद गीता is heavily criticized this people.
सिद्धांत यह, "कर्म" में दिखने चाहिए।
आपके जो भी सिद्धांत है, वह "कर्म" में दिखाई देने चाहिए।
English :- “Good thoughts are equivalent to “Good thoughts are equivalent to *Dharma*, or good conduct is *Dharma*!
What does ‘**conduct-driven dharma**’ mean? Some people have very good ideas, but in actual practice, they amount to zero. The Gita strongly criticizes such people.
The principle is that your actions (karmas) must reflect your principles. Whatever principles you hold must be evident in your deeds.”