I used to think I was #introverted.
Socializing and public exhausts me, and I eventually get #overstimulated and #anxious and just need to leave, and find some peace alone.
However I think I am actually an #extrovert and socializing exhausts me due to having to constantly fight my #tourettes related tics, which almost never stop, and I have to focus and put effort into fighting, so I don't seem like a total manic.
So I need a break after a while.
@RationalizedInsanity I am definitely introverted, but when I can meet my basic sensory needs - which hasn't been the case for nearly a decade - I like to party and hang out til all hours. and then go home and chill under a blanket for 3 days afterwards. I'm an introvert with a tendency to be outgoing when I have access to sufficient quiet & alone time.
@deutrino I always love talking because I am compelled to, and love people when I feel safe. I am naturally extroverted and if I could be around people I care about all the time, I would be.
The biggest issue for me I realize now is the combination of what I already stated, and #ptsd and #anxiety disorders that overwhelm me and repel me away from social situations at times.
If those two things didn't happen, I would be completely extroverted.
@RationalizedInsanity yeah, speaking and processing speech deducts directly from my life force / mental coherence. which is not true for everybody. but if I'm continually exposed to speech and/or social "uptime" for long enough, I will lose my higher thinking capability, then my own ability to speak and understand speech, and ultimately I will begin hallucinating and shut down entirely. real solitude is enough to heal this, but I've had almost no access to solitude for 8 years.
@RationalizedInsanity I only interact with others in environments I'm comfortable in. Like the bowling alley. I make such a ruckus when I'm on the lanes. Otherwise, I'd rather not interact with the outside world while I'm forced to interact with it.
@mrgrumpymonkey I love talking to random ass people, and I actually had to stop doing it as much because I realized I annoyed a lot of people xD
Or scared them because a six foot tall person whose really twitchy and loud scares stupid people sometimes.