Been listening to the #EnterpriseIncidents podcast’s episode-by-episode recap of the original #StarTrek #TOS (superb podcast, btw) and just finished the one on Charlie X. As many times as I’ve rewatched the series over the years, I guess I’d never thought about how many highly evolved ultra-powerful species the writers put in the Federation’s little corner of the galaxy. Thasians, Metrons, Organians, the “Greek Gods,” Trelane’s people (is he a baby Q?) … and more come along in TNG.
The Star Trek novel Q-Squared confirmed Trelane to be a Q, so yes! :),member%20of%20the%20Q%20Continuum.
@kwsapphire I know. I’m a big #PeterDavid fan myself. But my understanding is that spin-off media aren’t typically considered canon until/unless confirmed onscreen.
Oh! My bad, I thought the novels were canon. Apologies! ^_^
@kwsapphire Check out just about any Trek novel from the 80s. Some of them are absolutely amazing but have been completely contradicted by later continuity. For instance, My Enemy, My Ally and its sequels by #DianeDuane are major fan favorites but the creators at #TNG took the #Romulans in a whole different direction.