First the #idaho legislature came to ban Spanish & even though I objected, it’s not my native language so I knew I’d get by. But then lawmakers came for my right to #abortion & I protested but knew it affected me little because I’m old & #queer. Next they came denying the right for queers to be served by gas stations, stores & restaurants, even lunch counters— but it was #covid & I wasn’t eating out. Soon they came for my right to be #vaccinated & I knew I had a strong immune system so I’d likely survive. When they came for my #marriage I was bothered & said so, knowing I could cross into #nevada for new one from the little chapel with the blinking lights. When they came for the hormones #trans kids need to protect themselves from puberty, I fought hard, though I was already most certainly old. At last, when they came for our right to cross state lines to find those tattered parts of our freedom, my pleas were too late as my crossing had become a felony and they locked me in jail.