#introduction: A toot by @georgetakei made me aware of the https://univereodon.com instance.
My focus is on Snark hunting (https://snrk.de/snark-mastodon/) and a view at the universe through sound science, but as "the kind of person who enjoys edutainment, reads books, watches science shows and loves to connect with people who view the universe through wonder" I probably will feel quite comfortable here.
@georgetakei -- «In Vonda McIntyre's novelization of #StarTrek2: #TheWrathOfKhan, she reveals that the use of protomatter in the Genesis Device was made possible due to the discovery of sub-elementary particles, which were named by whimsical scientists as "#snarks" and "#boojums".» (Source: https://manga.fandom.com/wiki/The_Hunting_of_the_Snark).
In #StarWars, The shape of #Yoda might be a #PictorialAllusion to #HenryHoliday's depiction of the Baker's Uncle in #LewisCarroll's "#TheHuntingOfTheSnark".