#Movuary day 7: An attempt at doing Drum and Bass on Move. A groove in F Minor at 174 BPM. Only stock samples used.
@FreakyFwoof This sounds groovy. As an aside, I had no idea what move was until I saw this and looked it up. Sounds cool!
Well here's your next sort of impulse-buy. Trust me, you want this. Right now. Right right now.
#InspiredBySound - Let's Move! (Ableton Move Accessibility Overview) https://youtu.be/p8IbinbOhY4
@FreakyFwoof Yup. I want this. right right now.
@fireborn Told ya.
@FreakyFwoof I'm guessing I *don't* need a computer to use the accessibility either, a phone would work?
@fireborn Oh yes. I only used a computer so OBS could show what the screen-reader page was talking about.
@FreakyFwoof So cool that all of the samples are on device.
@fireborn If you look through the uploads, you'll hear stuff that Patrick, Kara and Jakob have also done. Some of those contain external samples. Yesterday I did one using samples from a Perkins Brailler for example.
@FreakyFwoof @fireborn A Perkins? Wow that's insane!
@remixman @FreakyFwoof @fireborn Back in October, I recorded a bunch of samples (62 of them or something) of a Perkins making various noises. I made my own silly thing with it back then. Maybe I'll make that a Movuary in the future, but to keep with my personal standard, it needs additions and modifications before I will personally allow that.
@BorrisInABox @FreakyFwoof @fireborn So where can you find these insane Braillewriter samples? Or are they not available anywhere?
@BorrisInABox @FreakyFwoof @fireborn Eh. Looks to be corrupt, even after a few tries. Ah well.
@remixman @BorrisInABox @fireborn I got it downloaded and extracted the very first time I did it. What browser/OS are you using? Try another. Try wget or something.
@remixman @BorrisInABox @fireborn Are you extracting with Archive utility? If so, don't. Use The Unarchiver. It's far superior where 7zip is concerned. Free from AppStore. I believe you're a Mac user, so probably it. If it's windows explorer in win 11, 7zip support is still new, maybe broken. I mean it is windows after all.
@FreakyFwoof @BorrisInABox @fireborn Yeah I was using the latter. That thing is pretty cool. Eh, idk. It ended up working after a reboot. How'd you even record all this? This is insane.
@remixman @FreakyFwoof @fireborn I put a microphone on a stand, a Perkins braille writer on a table, hit record and made noises.