Starting off #Movuary with a thing I posted several months ago now, because it's the first thing I did with all 8 scenes in a single project.
No external samples were used, and it was made entirely on Move, with no midi keyboard tracked in from elsewhere.
A Very Hot Day (Ableton Move BGM)
@FreakyFwoof Like the vibe of that, have you put it through Suna since to see what might happen?
@darrenhartland No, haven't yet. Will have to find the best two minutes to get good results.
@FreakyFwoof So, how much would you say you would need to know about music theory to create music on the Ableton Move? I'm very curious about this device. I've play ed with midi sequencers back in the 90s, but nothing was accessible and stuff. I know this isn't that, but it sure does sound kind of neat.
@mcourcel Nothing at all. The 32 pads do all the talking.