New podcast with my wife, and more to come, the next time I can persuade her to sit behind a microphone again.
#StroongeCast E01: Will You Peel My Orange?
As of today, #StroongeCast is now available in Apple Podcasts and as of this evening because I'm stubborn and didn't want to give up until I fixed it, Spotify as well.
@FreakyFwoof what was Spotify's bief?
I lack the voice and tools and time and all sorts to be a regular 'caster these days, but I do like keeping up with the literature on what can and doesn't work.
@cachondo I had to include <itunes:owner> tags in things.
Spotify, the absolute bloody useless tool *only* said 'waaa, sorry, email is missing.'
I go looking for the correct tag which is <itunes:email>, I add it.
I then go snooping through some other rss feeds and find out that adding itunes:name above email, and then ending the encapsulating </itunes:owner> made stuff work...
Well why didn't you say so sooner you sack of specially-slow soap suds!
@cachondo I'd so much rather stick to music, not php, but I feel damn good because I got it done. It's utterly meaningless code for a pro but I feel like I won a marathon lol
@FreakyFwoof ha take the wins. I almost cried when I got my PHP certification. weeks of work, my walls literally plastered with Braille code and things, and they changed so much upgradeing from PHP 3 to 4 that it was almost a new language.
@cachondo Yeah, the old php code this thing was running on back in 2009 when Quinn basically grew the thing in his backyard is vastly, vastly different from the 2024 version.
I have the old stuff to look back on, from when it was how all the TBRN show ran, and it's night and day different.
@cachondo I knew nothing, so I tried to deploy it with barely any changes and of course php's changed in that time as you said, so it did... Absolutely nothing at all.