Good morning Fellow Travellers on the Galactic Spiral Arm . I'm up early with the parrots today as it's Grant's birthday and he gets to have a long lie after all the excitement at World of Wings yesterday
I had a very brief , all of five minutes, cuddle with Ziggy this morning and then she was obviously too hungry to bother so demanded to go in for breakfast. I get that. I'm quite peckish too this morning truth be told
Grant had a fabulous time yesterday as you can see by the photo of him with his new pal Zulu, the Bateleur Eagle. In addition to giving a large eagle head scritches, he got to handle a tawny owl, a peregrine falcon and a red tailed buzzard and also fly a barn owl called Ghost. He was in his element
I'll be announcing the winner of the #CazimodoCrochet competition later today, so keep an eye out for that. Lots of coffee first though
Have a lovely day, whatever you get up to