A Disturbing Sign Of #VitaminDDeficiency
Up to 50 percent of the population of the world is deficient in #vitaminD.
My undiagnosed vitamin D deficiency caused me to have #migraines for years. If only I had known that taking a simple vitamin would have stopped them! It's amazing what can go wrong with our bodies without us realizing it. (For anyone else with migraines, it took me about three months of taking supplements before the migraines went away completely. Whenever I've left off the vitamins for a short while, they've come back.)
In my case, I'm very lactose-intolerant in an American cheese-loving and milk-loving culture, and I don't like dark green vegetables much, so I can guess why mine happened. I also have #PCOS, which would have added to it.
But I do think our society's tendency towards being indoors on computers or in front of TVs all the time is not helping with everyone's health.