Once again this year, my neighborhood will sound like a war zone. So once again this year, I will be celebrating the #4thOfJuly driving around farms roads from before dark until probably around 1:00am, searching for a quiet peaceful spot for a terrified dog.
(Fireworks are illegal in my home state of #Illinois, but you wouldn't know it from the number of private citizens shooting off M-80s and having private sky shows.)
"A Dog's Prayer" (Part 1)
by Anne Ahlert
In Heaven,
There are no Thundershirts
And no Evil Sounds;
There are lots of treats
And none of them makes me feel tired,
Or foggy, or unable to run & play:
In Heaven,
There will be lots of fun car rides
To places where my humans
Get yummy food they share with me:
And to doggie toy stores
Where I pick out new toys & chews;
And to dog parks,
Where I will run off leash all day,
And make lots of friends like me;
None of the car rides will be
Long hours spent trying to find
Peaceful silence and sanctuary
From the bangs, the pops, and whistling fizzles,
But especially from the huge
House-shaking BOOMS
That even the Thundershirts
And strange treats cannot save me...
[Continued in next toot]
"A Dog's Prayer" (Part 2)
by Anne Ahlert
In Heaven,
I will spend
Every cool Summer evening
Lazy on the porch with my Mom,
We will go for long walks
And meet all my friends along the way
I will not waste another night
Shaking & trembling in her arms,
Praying to God to make it stop,
And terrified of the monsters outside;
My Mom says that someday
I will cross a Rainbow Bridge,
And she will come meet me in Heaven;
Her Preacher says that in Heaven
There is no terror or fear;
So I know
That in Heaven
There are no fireworks.
How sweet of you to do that for your furry companion.
I hate this day of the year, for that reason.
I feel for all the dogs without caring pet parents who give no thought to the terror some dogs experience.
Wildlife too.
I live rural, and the fireworks craze has hit out here too.
For the first time in 40 years of having dogs, I now have one who isn't bothered by thunder or fireworks.
We're sitting on the porch enjoying the cool night air, while blasts and booms go on all around us.
He's more interested in watching to see if any deer, bear or raccoons try to invade his guarded yard.
Hoping you find that quiet spot.
@AnneTheWriter1 when we had our dog she was terrified of fireworks too. I hope you found your pupper some peace.