Wow - this took me totally by surprise, pretty significant geomagnetic storm! Kp is 8, which puts us in the G4 range.
@perpetualmystic what does this mean? I've never heard of space weather before!
@Dyani I think it explains why I've had this horrible headache all afternoon
@Dyani @perpetualmystic
Our sun is sending more electromagnetic particles via earth than usual. This results in various Nice and unwanted effects in Our atmospere and maybe in Electronic devices.
@Dyani there's so much to it lol. This site is a good place to look - it's where I get my info:
You can search for things like solar flares, CMEs, geomagnetic storms, etc and find some good info on all of it
@Dyani if you go to they have a story at the top about the auroae that have been spotted across Europe. We might get to see some here in the US! You might head outside this evening when it gets dark and look to the north. Depending on where you live, you might see some!