Back at work after being down with covid for a week, and feeling pretty defeated. All the anti-maskers and minimizers, just going along with their lives - were they right all along? I doesn't seem like any of them are paying any consequences for multiple infections.
I was so careful for 3 years. I can imagine some of them thinking, "See, we were right all along! It's pointless to try to avoid it."
Feeling a bit hopeless and questioning myself and my choices today
@perpetualmystic I'm so sorry you're feeling this way, and it's so relatable--I was recently out with COVID for three weeks despite diligently wearing my N95 respirator, etc., and it *seems* like all my colleagues who just got back from a big unmasked conference are going around unscathed. I always find it helpful to remember that we don't know what's going on in other people's lives or immune systems, and we're following the science. I think caution is still the right choice. #covidisnotover
@ubikaritas I'm sorry you got it as well, especially after being so careful. You make a good point about not really knowing what's going on with people though.
I think caution is still the right choice too, and it's comforting to know I'm not alone Stay safe, and stay well
@perpetualmystic My spouse—who is disabled with long covid after twice getting infected by sick students in their classroom—often feels the same way.
I remind them that some of their friends and coworkers who seem "fine" on the outside are likely hiding their longterm illness.
You've made wise choices. Don't lose hope, and never give up the fight.
@pixplz so sorry to hear about your spouse being disabled with long covid. I truly feel for anyone with children right now, or those who have to work with them as your spouse does. It just seems so unfair, like we are all being subjected to some sick experiment we can't opt out of completely.
I appreciate your words of support, and pray for the health and wellness of your spouse, you, and your family
@perpetualmystic Thank you. It really is unfair, and it does feel like a sick experiment. It's as though everyone is being put through a giant meat grinder, and those who make it through in one piece are getting fed right back into the maw. If we stick together, maybe we can break the machine.
@perpetualmystic Nah. We've managed to avoid it so far- we're old and higher risk. My strategy has been to try to avoid it until the treatments improve. Now that Paxlovid exists, we're maybe a bit less careful than we were, but I figure the longer we can hold out, the better. Treatments will improve, vaccines will improve- hopefully it will become less impactful than the flu (which is my age group is also risky!). On the positive side, you've got some hybrid immunity now, that will be good for a while- sadly, no one quite knows how long, but it's worked well for everyone I know. I know of only one reinfection in my large sample of friends and family (almost everyone I know has had it once, and been vaxxed).