@johnfugelsang antifa well represented!
@johnfugelsang Image description:
Indiana Jones punches nazi.
@johnfugelsang Mastodon is just inverse twitter.
It gets funny when one finds out that Indiana Jones was modelled after Otto Rahn-Nazi investigator of proofs behind Aryan Race Mythos who tracked the Grail lore in the Southern France.
I like how this professor skillfully and tactfully debates its opponent in "the market place of ideas".
@johnfugelsang Over and over and over!
@johnfugelsang Impressed by the laser-focus of that second-from-the-left-hand corner row of soldiers.
Everyone else is looking at the brawl, but not that guy.
@johnfugelsang So much for the tolerant left.
@claralistensprechen3rd @johnfugelsang What's wrong with being a Marxist? Marx was just telling it like it is: https://hbr.org/2011/09/was-marx-right
@johnfugelsang Any one that punches Nazis goes right on my follow list.
@johnfugelsang Uuuuh, some alt text image description Nazis here >;-) ...