@georgetakei Clearly a person without a moral compass. Attention-hungry low life
Historians will probably write research papers aplenty some day, trying to figure out which point in time exactly it was when the farce devolved into a full-on horror show.
If this were in the Netherlands, I would file a report of child abuse with the police. And call our "safe at home" organization to report each of their parents.
@DP0 @georgetakei lol thats awful outch my eyes
@georgetakei this is honestly one of the more disturbing things he's done, and with the support he had doing it, 9 red state governors that are dependent on the funding from the DOE for their schools being there "in support of it" is not shocking, these are also governors that have tried to remove child labor laws that their populace have fought against and prevented the removal of for years now... no, republicans want these kids dumb and dependent, so that they can put them to work and they wont be smart enough to understand that they are being exploited... welcome to idiocracy... a movie that was supposed to be meant as a comedy and republicans are using it as guidelines for the future they want.
@OmegaVixens @georgetakei Idiocracy was actually BETTER than this timeline in a couple of important respects.
President Camacho actually listened to a more intelligent person.
And when his term was over, he peacefully stepped aside to transfer power to his duly elected successor.
@grinningcat @georgetakei true I dont see our orange monster doing any of that... trump is only listening to musky, who has the brain power of a stump and is only half as useful, and I doubt he will peacefully step aside when his term is over, I expect him to cry like a baby (again) when he finds out he cant run again, and cant make himself king to avoid having to step down... while republicans are backing him heavily right now, as soon as that backing threatens their own power, livelyhood, and wallet, they'll start back tracking that support... I suspect sometime after the midterms (if the dems dont completely screw the pooch again) we'll see a lot of republicans back tracking their support and standing "against" trump on topics that voters actually care about... its just going to be a question of how much damage the orange menace and nazi bed buddy can do before that starts to happen...
However, showing up with children to legitimize the great leader is quite normal for dictators.
@georgetakei Indoctrination at its finest.
Pretty sure they just gave Donnie a coloring book and a crayon. I bet he ate the crayon...
And yes, this is disgusting. It is also nothing but ludicrous theater.