@georgetakei I wonder whether the teacher was thinking ocean or canoe for 5?
@bencurthoys @georgetakei ocean, based on the rest of them.
@georgetakei When you're right, you're right
@georgetakei Well, its a shart list to be sure.
(But between us to: My brain fails to guess th eother words...)
@georgetakei i read #8 as terse
@georgetakei Shart is really a trash word though...
Well, a shart is trash, right?
@georgetakei OK kids, get out your books on top of your desks.
Mistake in separate relationship between books and desk. Two different commands, so now how do you get 26 kids off their desks?
@georgetakei ph no this is actually pretty hard!
@georgetakei well he's not wrong