What do you think of his comments here, folks? https://www.comicsands.com/jerry-seinfeld-comedy-pc-left-2668091275.html?utm_source=mastodon&utm_medium=infeed&utm_campaign=linkprogram
@georgetakei I think he is confused about who the culprits are for things getting more boring and vanilla. It isn't "the extreme left", which has no power. It is a smaller and smaller group of corporate execs who are unwilling to take risks. But what the execs are worried about isn't "someone might be offended" as much as "this is different from what we have done before, we are afraid it won't work". So they keep doing the same thing over and over.
@not2b @georgetakei nailed it, Joe. I couldn't say it better.
@georgetakei I think it's more a case of "extremely not funny". I've never found his comedy to be worth my time. Wouldn't watch his show and definitely won't watch UNFROSTED, the Netflix movie. The trailer told me everything I needed to know.
Joan Rivers yelled at an audience member with a deaf child for getting up and leaving after she told a joke about deaf people. Talk about not reading the room.
At least George Carlin's comedy evolved as he got older. It was fine until his last comedy special which was all "Get off my lawn" cranky. I guess we're at the "Cranky Old Man" stage with Jerry too.
The extreme right always blames someone else.
@georgetakei Old comedians have always said this. Throughout the ages.
They always say these two things :
1) "Kids these days can't tell a joke without cussing! We didn't have to do that back in the day!"
2) "Nowadays you can't tell a joke without offending people! Nobody can take a joke!"
Retired comedians said these two things before Seinfeld was born, then they said it about Seinfeld's generation, and now he's saying it about the current generation.
@georgetakei Jerry was never funny - just laughably stupid. His show just mocked stupid people like himself.
These dudes get old and show their true colors.
I always wonder how an ideology demanding public ownership of the means of production and the abolition of capitalism got anything to do with stopping comedians doing jokes...
If anything, in a capitalist system, market forces are what decides what get money and what doesn't.
The bottom line: if there isn't a big enough public to guarantee return on investment, you don't get the gig.
@georgetakei He's just afraid societies humour and expectations have gone beyond his capabilities.
The "extreme left" isn't sitting in TV production management meetings shooting down anything that might scare off the advertising dollars of their corporate overlords. They don't even have a seat at the table. Those are the young right-wing MBAs who are overwhelmingly right.
@georgetakei if you are punching down, it's not comedy. If you are punching up, the "extreme left" will cheer it on. Or is he upset that people object to racist, homophobic or body-shaming jokes?
@mshiltonj @georgetakei didn’t he date a 17 year old when he was 40 and then had an affair with a married woman….
Meh. Seinfeld wasn't funny in the first place.
@WendyMsGator @georgetakei
Exactly. Nobody on the left is keeping people from telling stupid, tasteless jokes. We just don't laugh at something that's not funny, and getting criticized for your lame attempts at humor is not the same as being silenced.
I agree.
It's funny how the men who punch down in their comedy, complain years later that people don't like punching down in comedy.
The difference is not just societal change, it's also that more people are speaking up.
(I am biased as I've never liked Seinfeld's work, so deeply boring)
Jerry Seinfeld continues to be the funniest guy in politics; and the comments are hilarious.
America has no "extreme left." What passes for leftist in America - the most mild form of democratic socialism - would be considered center-right in any other country.
Jerry Seinfeld has drunk the Kool-Aid. He's reached the point where his most important statement of the day - apart from his brokerage account statement- is, "Get off my penthouse rooftop!"
@georgetakei Self-serving. Man whose comedy was about nothing derides comedians whose comedy is about something.
It's extrema for a reason. Neither is ever very popular.
@georgetakei Just another washed up old hack of a comedian trying to blame everyone but himself for the fact he doesn't want to write new jokes.
Guys like this feel like you make a certain amount of money and you no longer have to care about reading the room, you no longer have to come up with new material, you should just be entitled to praise for rehashing the same old jokes.
Sounds like he is a bit of a pussy that can't read the room. Either do your bit and see what happens or perhaps deal with the kids who don't want to hear his shit. Who knows??
@georgetakei I think the main problem is that some comedians miss being able to make easy jokes about people
Knock knock
Who’s there?
Jerry Seinfeld
That’s it. That’s the joke.
@georgetakei it’s not the extreme left or right that destroys comedy. What destroys comedy is stupidity.
@georgetakei He's a whiner, just like Bill Maher and John Cleese. There is plenty of amazing comedy being made. If he can't adjust his stuff based on the times, that's his failure. He should just go quietly into the night.
@georgetakei What is the deal with Jerry Seinfeld?
@georgetakei Dave Chappelle continues to get Netflix specials so I don't know wtf he's talking about that you can't be un-PC anymore. Sitcoms got killed by streaming and changing consumer desires. Jerry should stick to interviewing people in vintage cars and leave the social commentary to people who aren't old white dudes that are richer than god.
@georgetakei Why is it that people get offended and defensive when someone attacks the extremes of any ideology? Is there something endearing about the "far left" or the "far right"? He didn't say liberals were at fault. He's not my favorite comedian but attacking him for what he said is ridiculous.
@georgetakei You would think he would understand what comedy is. Oh well.
@georgetakei Must have really bugged him when people spoke out against him dating a kid.
@georgetakei Jerry Seinfeld is one of the most successful people of all time because of jokes, is he suddenly broke because his sitcom was pulled?
Comedy is thriving, people’s standards have changed and traditional business models have been decimated. I would argue that social media, media consolidation, and commercial real estate have more negatively impacted comedy than outrage culture has.
@georgetakei curiously Larry David has no such problems. I guess Jerry's courageous jokes about Ovaltine are too advanced for today's pampered audiences.
@georgetakei was never a fan to be honest. Especially after he started dating a 17 year old when he was 38.
@georgetakei Seinfeld is mad that his gay french king impression based comedy has aged as poorly as the ethnic slur and misogyny filled comedy of the comedians of the 70s who were still around and complaining about how PC things are while he was hitting his stride. Comedy moved on, he didn't, It's telling just how little cultural impact he has had since 1998, with his biggest successes being a lousy animated movie and stealing the format of a british TV show.
@georgetakei He’s not helping.
Pensioner moans about changing world.
@georgetakei Why is it that his colleagues from his old show don't seem to have this problem? Julia Louis-Dreyfuss' show Veep was almost as offensive as possible, and Larry David's Curb Your Enthusiasm is explicitly and purposefully offensive and they're both massive hits. Seinfeld knows this as he was even a guest on Curb. Jerry gives no examples of what he can't say. Maybe he's just not funny anymore.
He’s taking the John Cleese exit
@georgetakei "Extreme" is bad, usually.
@georgetakei I never actually found Seinfeld that funny.
But if he’s looking for comedy, maybe he should check out some Canadian TV…
@georgetakei Comedy isn't dead, Jerry's just bad at it.
@georgetakei "'You can't say anything in public anymore' says man publicly."
@georgetakei Not having watched sitcoms regularly since "Cheers" ended, I'm not qualified to offer an opinion on this matter.
@georgetakei sitcoms literally still exist. I saw someone mentioned Abbott Elementary, which is a great one but, in terms of family sitcoms, Bob's Burgers is my personal favorite.
Whenever I see people complain about comedy being dead, all I can think is, "You're just mad because no one wants to listen to you be mean anymore."
Also, who does he think the "extreme left" are? Because most people worrying about being PC tend to be liberals, not leftists.
@georgetakei Jerry is dead wrong.
@georgetakei the left didn't kill comedy, gimme fricken break. Racism, sexism, trans-type jokes, and so on, simply are not funny anymore. Never were, really, society just kinda accepted them. That has changed.
Everything else is still on the table as far as I know -- if George Carlin were still alive, he'd probably still be doing his routines. Gabriel Iglesias is super funny without invoking the above stuff, so is Jeff Dunham.
Comedy is still alive. Bigotry is what's dying.
@georgetakei he's just out of the loop!
It’s hard for Jerry to accept that younger people don’t find his bullshit funny and that he doesn’t get to decide what’s funny.
Comedy is going strong. It's only right-wing asshats who are angry at being called out for bigotry who says it's being destroyed.
@georgetakei Wait..
That guy is supposed to be funny?
Who knew….
What was that Jerry? Sorry I couldn’t hear you I was watching It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia
@georgetakei I think that aging doesn't suit everyone. He's just one addition to my very long list of old priviledged people on the left who can't stand to loose the monopoly of public space and have their idea contradicted by other and often younger people. The funny things is that during his time as a comedian, he was also accused of political correctness by the conservative left of the 1990's, who was also blaming him and all these politically correct artists for the same things.