Trump wants to buy #Greenland so his Nerd Reich buddies can launch one of their "Network State" #libertarian utopia / hellhole #cryptocurrency cities on it.
"The Network State" is a nonsense idea from #Balaji, #PeterThiel, #MarcAndreessen, and a bunch of other #crypto creeps of a series of offshore cities where there are no poor people (other than the servants) and no pesky laws (especially laws against things like #moneylaundering).
see also: #Prospera in #Honduras and a few others that already are out there and are definitely not deeply resented by the native populations and/or trying to bankrupt the countries they're located in.
full thread:
@cryptadamist Also Greenland’s mineral resources are in high demand due to their critical role in various industries, particularly in the context of the global energy transition including Rare Earth Elements and Graphite for EVs and electric motors
@TPenumbra that too probably but i think we need to wait for the glaciers to melt before that stuff can be extracted. the network state is more of a short term goal.
@cryptadamist agreed network state first but who is also hastening global warming and the melting of the ice
I’m not able to read the whole thread. Only the first part, already shown in your post, and nothing more after that. Any other way to read it? It’s been getting quite a bit of attention.
@lindamarie i should have posted the threadreaderapp link instead. here it is: