So you're just going to ignore all the examples that are found in Europe where it does work?
Road traffic is bad because the majority of commuters in the US take up 50 square feet (or more) of road space for one person. AKA, one car per person. Robust public transport (busses and trains), plus mixed use zoning (you can walk from your home to most where you need to go) are how we solve the problems US cities face.
@atatassault @oldrawgabbit @danwentzel Yeah what's going on here... lol.
I moved to Germany and lived in a small town along the Rhine. I could walk to: supermarket(s), dentist, hair cutting, pharmacy, doctor office, auto shop, gas station, school, church, eye doctor, bar, restaurant etc.
And there was public transportation to larger cities (19minutes).
I don't think anyone was commuting to work in my little town.
@SirLich @atatassault @oldrawgabbit @danwentzel
I never realized the privilege I have, being born and living in Sweden. I don't own a car and can bike to work and perform all my errands within 15 minutes.
Learning about how north American cities and urban planning is done is a complete horror show to me and really opened my eyes.
I have @notjustbikes to thank for educating me.
#urbanplanning #notjustbikes #waroncars #cars #urban #walkablecities #15minutecities #cities #stroads #stroad #stroads
Never been to Sundsvall then?
@SirLich @atatassault @oldrawgabbit @danwentzel @notjustbikes
@arminfritz @SirLich @atatassault @oldrawgabbit @danwentzel @notjustbikes
Sorry never went anymore north than Gothenburg.
I guess that makes me a fake Swede or I guess "typical Scanian" arguing that it should be apart of Denmark instead LOL
Coming from Germany and knowing Skåne I was quite shocked how car dependent this whole city is when we moved here. Never seen an a-traktor before. Or gigantic parking lots flooded with pickups because apparently SUVs aren't big enough anymore.
@SirLich @atatassault @oldrawgabbit @danwentzel @notjustbikes
@arminfritz @SirLich @atatassault @oldrawgabbit @danwentzel @notjustbikes
A-tractors or EPA-tractors is a strange phenomena endemic to Sweden because to get a drivers license to this limited form of motor vehicles in Sweden, you only need to be 16 years old. (Compared to regular drivers licenses requiring you to be 18 years old)
This makes it a vehicle encouraged to rebuild and limit, in order to get it to uphold regulations. I guess it's comparable to the "Reliable Robin" in the UK in a sense except it's only for the young.
Using Google translate to translate this article to get more info on it:
#epatraktor #tractor #epatractor #atractor #atraktor #cars #driving