Hey all! I'm AJ (they/them), a scifi/fantasy fan, reader, and writer. Also love anime.
I'm in a billion fandoms and picking up more all the time. My list of books to read and tv shows to watch keep growing, but I also keep adding to the piles. I have no one to blame but myself
Some hashtags to find me/get to know me by:
#StarWars #StarTrek #StarTrekDiscovery #StarTrekVoyager #StarTrekTOS #LowerDecks #StarTrekVOY #Picard #StarTrekTNG #StarTrekDS9 #DS9 #AllStarTrek #Babylon5 #StarTrekProdigy #OFMD #OurFlagMeansDeath #EEAAO #EverythingEverywhereAllAtOnce #MotherlandFortSalem #WWDITS #WhatWeDoInTheShadows #TheSandman #DoctorWho #RedDwarf
#Anime #Pantheon #TwinPeaks #ADHD #ScienceFiction #Fantasy #XFiles #Buffy #Paranormal #writing #WritingCommunity #MagicalRealism #isekai #neurodivergent #queer #QueerScifi #trans #transgender #nonbinary #nerd #geek #QueerBooks
@ajbrennan Hi AJ, welcome to Mastodon!
@podkaynelives Thanks! Hoping to connect with folks far, far away from Meta. I've always hated that place
@Beachbum Hey there!
Welcome! Would you like some toast? Nice warm scrummy toast? How about a jelly baby? Fish sticks and custard? Romulan ale? (That's 2 bars of latinum or 54 quatloos, sorry the exchange rate in quatloos is ridiculous right now)
@Katzedecimal Actually tea and toast *does* sound good, thanks for the welcome
@ajbrennan Also we have cat emojis here, #Caturday every Saturday, and #Mosstodon with the unmatchable hashtag #LichenSubscribe
Pretty sure you'll enjoy it here
@Katzedecimal YAY! I have two cute kitties and they are my world. #Caturday is my kind of day
You win today's hashtag trophy.