There is a 99% chance that those online "tips" were planted by the orcas themselves.
@KFuentesGeorge Should have gone with Lawrence Welk, his music was very bubbly. "Wonderful, Wonderful!!"
@KFuentesGeorge Lmaoooooo! I am screaming!
@KFuentesGeorge #chunderroad Phase II, the Disinformation Campaign, is going as planned.
@12thRITS @KFuentesGeorge also the orcas know from this who's trying to rat them out. they're next on the list
@KFuentesGeorge [Landshark Candygram.gif]
@KFuentesGeorge the heavy metal that he advised was a heavy metal like mercury, sodium or lead (Pb)
@KFuentesGeorge @hecate Yacht owners should be glad the orcas didn’t form an alliance with the giant squids, yet.
@hecate @KFuentesGeorge Can we read them The Swarm in a way they’d understand? :P
I mean, even if not, Orcas are probably the most adaptive creature in the seas. The way to defend against them is to avoid them altogether.
Or the Orcas just have good musical taste ?
Don't they sing themselves ?
I've also seen studies that say ACDC's Back in Black is good to attract great white sharks, so
@KFuentesGeorge yes, and metalhead orcas specifically