A stranger helped me with something today and it reminds me that there are good people out there.
They don’t often make the headlines but they are out there.
Using Mastodon
and the Fediverse is an act of rebellion in itself.
By being here,
you are contributing to grow an alternative system that is led by the people and for the people, not for profits.
By being here,
you are encouraging a solution to a deteriorating social climate that thrives on outrage and the monetization of hate.
By being here,
you are participating to the development of a new system that can slowly build a better world.
Thank you for being here
All the children growing up with two moms, or two dads, or seeing gay parents being normal on Sesame Street - it happened and can never be undone.
No amount of hate will stop it from having happened.
We will be born into every generation. Have enough kids, and sooner or later one of them will be GAY. It will never be stopped.
No matter there what happens, as long as there are humans, there will be queers, and it fills me with joy to remember this.
Queerness will always exist.
A gift to humanity.
Apparently today is the day of the Superb Owl
While opting-out of data brokers can be a very manageable task when done manually, many people are still looking for an automated solution.
I think EasyOptOuts is that solution: It works exceptionally well for a fraction of the cost that Optery, Mozilla, or others would charge you. While it might not be perfect, reducing your data exposure by up to 90% for only $20 certainly makes opting-out of the remaining few data brokers a whole lot easier.
#Infosec 101 for Activists - https://infosecforactivists.org
A mobile bicycle-trailer pop-up library ... with hammocks. Genius.
Scorpions are basically land lobsters.
And lobsters are basically sea scorpions.
Had a dream that I was talking with an old family friend (20+ years older than myself) and he gave me this advice:
“Whatever you want to do in life - do it now. Do it before your back hurts all the time.”
Not to disparage anyone’s job. I just want to understand why things are the way they are.
“It’s about feeling like nobility” - ok but I’d think they’d hire people to carry them around in a palanquin if that was the goal.
Was just chatting with a friend about how surreal the concept of a restaurant is - you’re paying someone to write down a note, walk over to the counter, pass the note to the chef, and ~10 mins later carry a plate of food back to you.
Why is this a job? I can walk to and from the counter myself.
Both full stack and specialized teams can get the job done, if run well, so this is also based on my personal preference. It’s satisfying to be able to build the whole thing myself.
There is a valid argument against full stack teams - that most engineers have uneven skillsets and we get something like the unfinished horse drawing when people have to work across all areas. But - that’s why there is a team. Different engineers can cover for and assist each other.
full stack teams > specialized teams
Because an engineer should never be blocked from fixing a bug or building a feature, just because it’s outside their team’s specialty.
Computers can smell fear.
TS server in VSCode was hanging and crashing all afternoon yesterday, and I didn’t have time to debug it because I was doing something else important.
Now I’m all ready to debug the TS issue and… it is working fine now.
V EFF.org:
Acc to EFF 'Meta’s tracking pixel, found on 30% of the world’s most popular websites, monitors people’s behavior across the web and can expose sensitive information, including financial and mental health data. A 2022 investigation by The Markup found that a third of the top U.S. hospitals had sent sensitive patient information to Meta through its tracking pixel.'